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~1 year later~

Kuroko's Pov:

After the incident with Murasakibara and Akashi everything has changed, they aren't the same. Even Kise and Midorima have been showing up to practice but it just isn't the same, no more fighting, no more smiles, no more fun. "So Aomine-cchi and Murasakibara-cchi really are skipping huh ssu~?" Kise speaks up nodding alone with his statement I get a call from someone "Hold on Kise someone's calling me you guys head to practice without me." As they walk off I check who it is and I gasp making Midorima and Kise turn around and face me "What is it Kuroko-cchi?" Kise tilts his head in confusion.

"Chiyo-chan is calling me..." I reply as I answer the phone. they look at me wide eyed. "REALLY?!" kise shouts before Midorima hushes him and they walk back over.

'KU-KU HOW HAVE YOU BEEEN!!' They hear the cheerful girl ask as he makes a small smile.

"I've been good, I'm with Kise and Midorima right now and were heading to practice." 

'Oh well sorry to bother you guys but I just wanted to say that my trip has been cut short and we are coming back tomorrow!' His eyes wide with shock and almost drops the phone as the two others look at him with confusion.

"That's great I can't wait to see you and Mani-chan we'll come and say hello when you land!" HE said with a big smile on his face.

'YIPPE!! Well tell Ryo-chan and Shin-chan I said hi!' She replies.

"Okay well we'll come by tomorrow okay, good bye!" I say smiling like crazy,

'Okay bye byeee~~~' And with that she hung up the phone.


"What was that all about Kuroko?" Midorima asks as he has never seen kuroko so happy before, "We need to bring everyone to practice I have and announcement" and with that he walks ahead of the two and heads to practice.

"I wonder what he wants to say?" Midorima voices as Kise nods "I mean he is in a good mood so it must be good news" and with that they hurry after kuroko to get to practice.

~Time Skip: After practice~

No ones Pov:

As everyone was leaving, except for the generation of miracles, you convinced Atsushi to come by bringing his favourite sweets and for Aomine buying one of his 'magazines'. "You wanted to announce something Tetsu, go on?" Aomine presumed Kuroko nodded before stating "I was on the phone with Michiyo earlier." he paused and watched as everyone's eyes widened except Akashi who smirked at the mention of their female friend.

"Well she has told me that her business trip has been cut short and she is returning tomorrow and wanted to meet everyone once again." when he concluded his announcement and he could tell something was wrong.

"So what? Who cares anymore we don't need her anymore, she is useless to us." Everyone turned to Aomine as he spoke is a bored tone "I don't see why we kept her around anyways so who cares." with that he walked out leaving everyone stunned as Akashi spoke up "Well if you want to go and greet her than fine but tell her that she better be here two days from now for practice." and with that he left as Midorima followed in pursuit of Akashi leaving Atsushi, Ryota, and Tetsuya stunned at their friends tone and reaction.

"Are you guys going to see her?" Kuroko asked as they turned their heads to face him looking down, "Of course I want to but I have a shoot tomorrow and won't make it..." he said in a sad tone as Atsushi says "I want to but I can't I have to meet someone who is going to tutor me." with that they all left leaving kuroko stunned.

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