Chapter 32 - Leo and Jason

Start from the beginning

Leo marched to his blue print supplies and pulled out a fresh page. And right now...

He opened the page. My greatest desire...

He slammed the print on his desk and pulled out a pencil. Is getting back to Ogygia.

(A/N: Roll credits! Jk)

P.O.V. switch


Jason looked around. The inside of the apartment building was like a death trap for people with dust allergies. The furniture were all covered in white sheets, old paintings hanging lopsidedly on withered, cracked walls, displaying ghostly images of European soldiers and English kings from at least five centuries ago. Some tables and chairs were overturned, some with broken legs, and some still standing upright. Everything was connected with frayed, swaying cobwebs. It was like a haunted house in there. It gave Jason the creeps.

"Wait," Frank said, staring at the woman that stood before them, interrupting Jason's thoughts. "Are you...?"

"My mother told me ahead of time I would be having guests," the old lady said to them. "I thought she meant more towards the line of siblings or maybe some friendly Mer-people/human hybrids. I should have known... Of course it's demigods! It's always demigods!"

"Uhh..." Percy said. "Still here. Still have ears y'know."

"I assume it was Tethys who sent you, correct?" the woman huffed.

"Yeah," Frank said nervously.

"Well then, here I am!" The woman spread her arms as if to say, I am your savior! Gift me with riches from the far beyond! "I am who you seek. I am Eurynome." She was regal in a 'hag-like' sort of way. Her skin was grey and withered, her knuckles bony and white. Her teeth were cracked and yellow, and her mop of greasy white hair lay piled on top of her small head. Her image basically matched her surroundings.

Jason thought about Tethys, who looked so young and beautiful when they'd seen her with Oceanus aboard their ship. How could this woman be her daughter?

It slipped out of Jason's mouth before he could realize. "Are you mortal?"

Eurynome stared at him incredulously. "Am. I. Mortal?"

Percy and Frank looked at Jason as if he'd gone mad. Well, I've lived an okay life, I guess... Jason thought to himself. He continued. "Well, when we encountered your mother, Tethys, she looked... y'know... young and... good-"

"'Good'?" Eurynome demanded. "You are hitting on my mother??"

"Awwwwkwaaaard," Percy muttered.

"No! No!" Jason said. "She just looked really young, and you seem rather..." He faltered off, his eyes locked on his shoes.

"Yes, boy, I look like an old, wrinkly witch," Eurynome said. "Baked in a microwave, taken out, frozen, and then backed again. I am over six thousand years old. Does that seem mortal enough to you?"

"No," Jason muttered.

"Mother Tethys hates the look of age. She uses her once-known powerful form to disguise the being she takes on now. If she were to leave that mask behind, she may as well crumple into dust. She looks much worse than me, that is for sure."

The demigods said nothing.

"Anyways! As I said before, I am Eurynome," the woman continued, seeming to have forgotten Jason's remark, and wave of relief ran through him. "And I stand here to-"

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