The World Before The Unquiets

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First Stop Corona

Morning came, and as would be expected the crowd congregated towards Arendelle's town square.

Due to circumstances all schedules for the celebratory event were thrown out the window, instead the viewing of the magic screen took priority. Thankfully food and drinks will continue to be served. The street vendors also wisely took the opportunity to set up stall near the venue.

Elsa, Anna and Kristoff walked out of the palace gates followed by Rapunzel, Eugene, Frederic, Arianna, Willow and many royal guests. This time the royal families brought the children with them.

The sight of little Aidan, Amelia, Flynn and Wrenn brought much cheer to the crowd, people saw the children with new eyes after the viewings from the previous night. And as the royal family passed by, the understandably confused children found themselves showered with praises and blessings.

Rapunzel noticed across the streets that even five year old kid Robert has found himself assailed by folks praising him for his loyalty and bravery. Indeed his proud parents have already begun contemplating his enrolment into the city guard.

"It's too bad Neoma, Eri and Novak aren't also here with their parents." Rapunzel sighed. "They sure are missing out."

Hearing this made Anna turn and beam at her sister. "So Elsa, have you given any thoughts about 'conjuring' Eri anytime soon?" Anna asked with a wink.

Elsa snorted. "Now Anna, that's not something I want to just jump into."

Anna made a pouted look at her sister making Elsa sigh.

"I do want to have children, Anna. In fact after last night, I want Eri more than anything. But I don't know if I'll make a good mother, I'm afraid. I'm worried I can't raise Eri as well as you did... from the future." Elsa breathed hard. "You've seen how worried and uncertain Future Eri was. What if she hates me for creating her?"

This made Anna look at Elsa sternly.

"Elsa, you are a smart, responsible, strong and caring woman. You've always been a shining example for me to follow, you'd make a great mom." Stated Anna.

Elsa smiled slightly, but Anna wasn't finished.

"There is no other person in the world like her. So she will be uncertain and she will feel alone,." Anna conceded. "But just like in the alternate future, we just have to make sure she knows she isn't. And this time you will also be here to teach her that."

"You always know what to say, Anna. Thank you." Smiled Elsa.

Anna and her group entered the town square. Varian, Cassandra, Lady Caine and the Stabbington Brothers came down from the Mega Blimp to join them. Edmund, Willow, Marius and Mathew arrived too.

At last everyone returned to their tables and with the witch at the stage, the movie resumed.

Out in the emptiness of space, like what most would relate to as a beautiful starry night sky. The image panned and slowly a large sphere of blue and green came into view. Then out of the emptiness a bright sparkle of amber light lit up and a long column shot into the blue and green sphere.

Where the column hit the ground, the seven teenagers tumbled onto the grass in a tangled heep.

"AHA! It's ROUND! Pay up!" Patchy held out his hand and Sideburns begrudgingly handed him some coins.

"Owy!" Groaned Amelia.

It was the dead of night and the seven teens struggled to separate their bodies of tangled arms and legs in pitch darkness.

The Heroic SevenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon