The Day of The Princess

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Chapter 16

The morning began with another beautiful sunrise in Arendelle. People living locally and from afar prepared their mornings with various activities to awaken their bodies for the day.

As for our favourite group of people:

"HIIYAH!" Yelled Anna.

Anna swung her wooden training sword up then down and around.

"All movements starts from the ground up. Remember to push off with your feet, then you twist your hips and finally your arms." Lady Caine instructed.

The former pirate leader demonstrated the movements of each sword strike step by step while the Arendellian queen followed.

The royal family had suggested that today they start the screening later in the afternoon, a good chance for the visitors to explore Arendelle, mingle and just enjoy themselves for a moment. The witch was happy to comply.

It was at the training grounds of Arendelle's army base where Anna and friends have decided to spend their morning. A healthy bout of physical exercise to wake the body, no doubt motivated by Novak's training montage and subsequent victory over Kroza Kul.

Anna swung her wooden sword fiercely in a downward diagonal strike, dusts were raised and the very air itself can be seen whitening as the training weapon parted through with sundering force and speed. Perhaps too much force and speed. The training sword slipped from Anna's fingers!


Rapunzel, Cassandra, Elsa, Eugene, Hans, Kristoff, Mattias, Frederic, Arianna, Willow, Edmund, Patchy and Sideburns and every guest in the training grounds all dove for cover. A person would generally want to avoid a solid object thrown at them, an object thrown by Anna is almost certainly fatal.

"Whoops. Sorry everyone!" Anna apologised.

Her family and friends grumbled and resumed their own activities.

Lady Caine observed Anna, her own training sword planted tip first on the pavement as she gauged the queen's performance. The former pirate leader looked over to where Anna's thrown sword struck and impaled a straw dummy. The dummy's head slumped forward, looking very dead.

"It was a good start, at least you're definitely not lacking in the strength department." Lady Caine offered her encouragement.

"Thanks for these lessons, Caine. It feels great learning a style that is different to Arendelle's standard sword and shield." Chuckled Anna.

The show of thanks brought a faint smile onto Lady Caine's lips, the pirate leader looked to the clouds, where her thoughts drifted back on the latest screening.

"Listen, Anna. About what happened at The Southern Isles. Your son and your daughter did a real solid for Novak, as did Neoma, Flynn, Wrenn and Eri." Lady Caine lowered her gaze onto the wooden sword in her hands. "As a former pirate, I use to believe that such comradery existed only in fairy tales or in the fantasies of poets. But the children have shown me that I was mistaken."

Lady Caine raised her gaze back up to Anna with a welcoming smile and genuine appreciation in her eyes.

"I will never forget it. So if you, your sister, Rapunzel or anyone else ever need help with swords, or if you have interests in any other weapons, I'll always be happy to teach you what I know."

"Aww. Thanks, Caine." Anna chirped.

The queen and the former pirate leader merrily explored other weapons that may suit Anna. That was until the queen started giggling.

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