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The town prepared to view the magic screen again, though with trepidation and some measure of anxiety. It had been a rollercoaster of emotions for everyone in town; shock, horror, relief, joy, sadness, exultation.

Many were still reeling from the most recent screening. And many wrongs needed to be made right.

With her head bowed, Rapunzel pleaded with King Adam and Queen Belle to pardon Wrenn for the burning of All Hallows Eve, though estranged as it had been it was still a town under the sovereignty of Belle and Adam.

Thankfully all was forgiven. It took no effort to convince the couple that Wrenn had only done those terrible things under the possession of an evil spirit. Further more, Belle herself was a kind, compassionate and understanding mother, and so with her arms around Rapunzel in friendship she declared that there shall be no umbrage between their two nations. Indeed Belle and Adam were grateful to the Heroic Seven for sealing the Dark Portal thus saving the greater of their kingdom and the neighbouring countries.

It was widely believed that the audience would never again look upon Flynn, Wrenn, Aidan, Amelia, Eri, Novak and Neoma with the same idolatry they once had. That belief turned out to be true... they look to them with greater idolatry now.

In celebration Anna suggested a big serving of Arendellian black forest cake.

Rapunzel, Elsa, Anna, Cassandra, Lady Caine Eugene, Kristoff, Varian and Hans retook their seats, the rest of their families did the same. All with their desserts in front of them.

"I hope to never see the kids fight one another again." Sighed Rapunzel.


The sound of weapons clashing echoed throughout the town square.

Novak brought his double edged straight sword down once, then twice, each strike was turned aside by Flynn's dual single edged swords. Flynn fought back and the pair traded blows back and forth.

"Oooh. What the hell happened this time!?" Cursed Rapunzel.

Anna huffed, Elsa frowned.

"Novak is doing well." Cassandra complimented.

"Hm. He's moving a bit slow." Muttered Lady Caine.

For the untrained eye it would appear the two boys were fighting, but for two professional warriors like Cassandra and Lady Caine, they both knew otherwise.

Flynn slipped under Novak's thrust and placed his two swords against Novak's chest.

"Damn." Cursed Novak.

Game Over.

"Well done, you two. That's enough training. Let's call it a day." Aidan clapped. He approached while the two combatants lowered their weapons.

"All of that was just training?" Asked Elsa, incredulously.

"I seriously thought Flynn and Novak wanted to gut one another!" Exclaimed Anna.

Rapunzel slumped on her seat, her hand over her forehead while a chuckling Cassandra rubbed her on the back.

"Good fight, Novak." Said Flynn. Sheathing his swords and giving Novak a pat on the shoulder.

It was late in the afternoon. The three boys were standing in a grassy clearing on the top of a cliff. From there, the screen zoomed out to show that they were on an island of rocky shores and jagged cliffs. The island itself wasn't big, perhaps a quarter mile in diameter, a perfect size for a small group.

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