"You have anything to say Can-Can?" She said in a sweet but controlling voice.

"N-nothing master of fire." Cancer said and looked down at the floor.

"Well then the rules are simple and easy, whoever the bottle lands on gets a question by the spinner. If you don't do your date or question you have to wear the itchy t-shirt for a day." She said and put the bottle on the floor.

"Alright let's start." She said and spinner the bottle...

It landed on Cancer.

I watched how Pisces smile turned from sweet to a sinister smile I have only seen in my dreams. Cancer who knew better looked extremely nervously and gulped loudly.

"Can-Can, truth or dare?" She said focusing her eyes on the boy.

Cancer thought for a second before answering: "Dare"

Pisces looked shocked but quickly recovered and said: " I dare you to sit on Aquarius lap for the next three rounds." She said with a sad voice.

Cancer looked at her and did as she said.
"Are you comfort?" Aquarius asked him and he nods. He spins the bottle which lands on Gemini who looked extremely unfocused on this.

"Gemini truth or dare?" He said with a smirk so suspicious that I knew he had something planned as well.

"Huh ummm truth I guess." he said uneasy.
"Or wait dare." He changed being the undecided person he is.

"I dare you to, act like an old lady for the rest of the game."

"Sure my dear." He said with a blink.

He or she spins the bottle which lands on Libra. Libra put on a brave smile and before Gemini asked he said I choice truth.

"Tell us what you know about Scorpio." He said getting a smile from Leo.

Scorpio glanced at Libra who glanced back.
"Ehhh it's actually nothing." He said and drew his hand through his hair.

Scorpio nodded approvingly. "Yep so forget about that." He said quickly.

"It's a question Libra, do you want the punishment or something?" Capricorn said calmly. 

His eyes widened and he looked at Scorpio apologetic.
"Don't you dare." Scorpio said looking at Libra.

"I actually got truth my dear friend. Scorpio actually does care about you and he has a dairy he wants none of you guys to know." He said smirking evilly.
What a twist of event!

Scorpio looked at Libra and said: "Frick you and I told ya it ain't no dairy!" He said to Libra.

"May I be excused to the bathroom." Sagittarius said.

"No." Scorpio said.

"I'm spinning this real quick." Libra said looking at the bottle. He spins it and it flew to the opposite direction. After several tries he asked for help: "Can someone spin to me." He said embarrassed.

"Sure you big baby." I said and rolled my eyes.
I spin it and it landed on Sagittarius.

"T or d?"


"My dear may I suggest a dare?"Gemini said playing with their hair.


"I dare Sagittarius to slap Aries in the face 5 times. He said happily. What's wrong with this boy today?

Sagittarius looks at me smiling nervously.
He walks over to me and raises his hand.
He quickly slaps me weakly 4 times.

 A Zodiac summerWhere stories live. Discover now