Chapter 1.2

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"Sudou. I have to talk to you about something. Come to the faculty room," Chabashira called out to Sudou, who was trying to beat a hasty retreat from the classroom.

"Huh? What do you want with me? I've got basketball practice now." Sudou languidly opened up his bag to show off the sports uniform inside.

"I've already spoken with the advisor. You don't have to come with me if you don't want to, but you will face the consequences later."

Chabashira's threatening words set Sudou a little on edge. 

"What? Will this be over quickly?"

"That all depends on you. The longer you stand there, the more time you waste."

It seemed as though he had no choice but to go with her. Sudou clicked his tongue and followed Chabashira-sensei out of the classroom.

"I thought that he might have changed, but I guess Sudou's the same as ever. Wouldn't it have been better if he just got kicked out?"

Seems like the class still dislikes Sudou, as expected.

"Do you think so, too? That it would have been better if Sudou-kun was expelled?"

"I don't really think so. What about you, Horikita? You were the only person who gave Sudou a helping hand." They asked.

"Hmm. Well, we still don't know whether our points would go up as a class, really," she replied, disinterested.

Me, Ayanokouji and Horikita got up from our seats at the same time and walked out of the classroom together. We occasionally went back to the dorms together, though I couldn't remember when this strange phenomenon had started. Since we didn't have lunch together or just casually hang out, I found it odd. Then again, we had the same path back to the dormitory. That was probably why we walked together.

"I'm a little worried about what Chabashira-sensei said this morning," Horikita said.

"About our points being delayed?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Yes. She said that there was trouble, but did she mean that it was a problem for the school, or a problem for us, the students? If it's the latter, then..."

"You're overthinking things. We haven't caused any real problems lately. She even said so herself. I doubt Class D would be the only ones not to get any points. It's simply the school having an issue."

"I hope that's the case. Trouble directly affects our points."

"No, something happened with Sudou." I finally said.

"Why's that?" Ayanokouji asked.

"First off, Chabashira likes to lie, so I'm pretty sure that even though the class itself haven't caused problems, the individual students could've. Second, I have a hunch that it's because Sudou got in a fight, considering his nature. I went to his basketball game recently and his skills are impressive. I'll tell you the full story soon afterwards though. My final reason is that how would an elite school with government funding and security, be able to mess something such as delivering points late?"

"I suppose you're right... wait you saw the fight?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Yes, I did. However, I did intervene."

"You did? Did the fight stop?"

"Unfortunately, I came a bit too late, or noticed it a bit too late, but when I did intervene, the boys were already beaten up. However, there was definitely another person who witnessed the fight, they could've intervened and talk it out but I suppose not."

"Another person, huh?"

Ayanokouji looked up to the ceiling before turning his attention to Horikita.

"That reminds me. You should join in the chat now and again. You're the only one who hasn't caught up in a long time."

"I'm not interested in the slightest. Also, I keep my notifications turned off."

"Is that right?"

Well, apparently, she hadn't intended to participate in the first place. She probably didn't delete the app because it would send a notification to Kushida and the rest of the group if she did. Horikita was free to decide for herself whether she would participate, so I didn't press the matter any further. I wasn't really qualified to judge, anyway.

"You've been quite talkative lately, Ayanokouji-kun." 

"Really? I thought I've always been like this." 

"It's a slight difference, but you've changed... Did something make you change?"

"I wonder. Well, if I had to think of a reason, I guess I got used to attending school, and then I made some friends. Also, Kushida was probably a big influence."

"You seem to be getting along quite well with Kushida-san. Aren't you bothered, especially knowing about her other side?"

"I admit I found it shocking when she said that she hated you, Horikita. But I think it's only natural that everyone has people they like and people they hate. There's no point being concerned about it. I mean, you still pretend to get along well with Kushida even though she said she hates you, right?"

"Hmm. Well, you may have a point there. It's true that I hate you, too, Ayanokouji-kun, yet I talk to you normally. I don't really mind, then."

"That's a bit too rude, but at least you didn't sugarcoat him into believing that you hate him less." I expressed my thoughts.

"This is one of the reasons why I hate Shinjiro-kun less than you."

So, you still hate me...

"That's what I'm getting at. If someone says that they hate another person, it's fine. But if someone says that they hate you, don't you feel a little bad?" she asked.

"Were you testing me?"

"Why does she even hate you in the first place?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Who knows? She probably doesn't know that much about me."

"If you're that curious, why don't you ask her yourself? Directly?" Horikita asked.

"No need. I'm fine with the Kushida we have now," Ayanokouji said.

"What you just said was really disgusting, you know that?"


"Um, speaking of which. I don't know why Kushida said that she hates you directly in-front of me."

I knew that she hates Horikita and I know she has a 2 faced side of hers but why say it in front of me when I "don't know" about your past and true self?

"Why don't you ask her?" Horikita suggested.

"I guess I could, yeah sure."

Besides, I may be able to clear up the misunderstanding between me and Kushida. It's absolutely necessary that she doesn't think I know her true self or past.


Word Count: 1013 Words

The School Full of Elite Students Volume 2: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now