Rag-tag team

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"Why is he here?" asked Jaimie.

This was directed towards Judy as he focused on the road ahead trying to pick as much pace as possible. He had received a message from Will fifteen minutes before. He was on well on his way before he was stopped and now, he is joined by Judy and this surprise visitor.

"You know why." Judy replied.

"Do we know it was him?" Jaimie asked to the third person in the car whom he did not expect to show up.

"The Olive card still gets me free pass to prison cells. I wonder for how long. All this time, I was forced to do it for Daniel. Now I did it for myself. I had good help, from Mr. Morell and Kelly. All were convicts promised with money and a bail out. It didn't take much to loosen them up."

Mike continued as he saw the expression from Jaimie which was riddled with questions.

"As you might have guessed from the trial, my father was one of the 'gifted' who were assigned to prison camps back in the day. Unfortunately, I've inherited more than his name. My abilities are like anti-depressants. Safe with appropriate exposure. I don't like that it exists. But I've learnt to live with it. With being a counsellor, I put it to good use, when I meet people who would like to forget stuff."

"How do you intend to help us here?" Jaimie asked.

"I got to know from Judy that you are trying to keep a teenager out of trouble. She is one of my donors. I presume it is the same teenager who Daniel employed for blackmail against me a while back, though she wouldn't confirm it."

"Maybe. Sorry for your loss. But you should have stayed with your partner." Jaimie replied.

"Thanks for being considerate. I did not come on board entirely on kindness."

"I could always sense people with abilities. I ran into trouble when I was a teenager. When I used to be with Daniel, I helped him track down these maniacs. They are hunters. They catch people with abilities. It's a fucking cult. They have ties in the government. Some of the members have abilities themselves. It's nuts." Judy said.

She caught up with Jaimie after the video went online. They both were adults who needed to do things their way.

"Kelly told me about this. She is with him. She happened to be nearby. I'm pissed that he'd rather call a shady cop than me." He spoke too soon. He was getting a call.

"Put it on speaker," said Judy.

It was Kelly. She was taking heavy breaths.

"I was busy dealing with the snipers they set up. Can't believe they are being openly backed by the department. My sources say it's a temporary arrangement. "

Kelly added, "They control the traffic systems. Daniel's been driven out into an abandoned warehouse. Extra judicial, old-school shit. Mark's there. There's a different team of five, guarding some old dude in an armed truck. He's high rank. Will warned us to watch out for him."

Jaimie did not have a fond recollection of him.

"Listen, Will and I are going in. The objective is to at least trace the cultist's movements. Most of them are wanted. I need evidence. My firm's first assignment. Be quick. Bye."

And I thought that the boy was crazy.

"He's going to get everybody killed. I wish I slapped some sense into him."

Jaimie furiously honked and ignored a traffic signal

"Probably, he could be there for Victor." Judy said quietly.

"I know that. You and I got the same damn message" Jaimie tried to regain his composure. The warehouse building stood tall and was now visible.

"The poor guy was too hard on himself. I miss him. But this fool should know when to quit. If the cultist got Trevor, he got some fucked up power set. The fuck is Mark there for? Daniel?"

"Enemy of your enemy..." Judy started but cut herself off.

"Great! That psycho probably wants Daniel to be guinea pig rest of his. You know you are royally fucked when Daniel seems to be your best chance. Looking forward to being culled like rabid dogs on the streets." Jaimie had given up.

"I never thought they would've co-opted my sister's suffering for this cruelty." Judy sighed

"Unfortunately, words are there to be twisted. This would've happened with or without her. Just got a bit quicker." Mike opined.

He added, "Aron cannot cancel out my abilities. Just like Daniel couldn't. That's why I am here. I'd be dead otherwise.  Our skill levels are similar; could go either way. I'll help you guys with the boy or the cop who's onto the cultists, but I will not let Daniel walk away." Mike made his intentions here before clarifying, "I won't hurt him. I don't mind him getting hurt."

"Fair enough." They agreed.

"Can I trust you two to not screw me over?" Jaimie asked with sarcasm that Judy did not take well.

"Daniel was making my sister's life a living nightmare. He used Mike for it. I researched on my sister's work. I needed to earn Daniel's trust. I met Mark in his cell and worked out the connection with Morgan. I offered him to track down Alex for my sister. If you had not intervened that day... could've avoided all this. I begged him to keep you and Will alive when we lured Daniel in."

"I saved you from Daniel by recruiting you. I am sorry, I know we've spoken about this. But ..." Judy glanced awkwardly at Mike.

"I am not dead yet, so its okay." Jaimie tried to laugh it off. Adding, "But it was cold to get Mike to wipe my memories, even if it was for your sister."

"I was already working for her at that point. She probably meant a little relaxation." Mike raised his hands.

"Revenge plan with too many extra steps. Did you ever think of dropping a bomb on Daniel's couch while he was sleeping... activating it remotely or something?" Jaimie was grinning.

Judy wiped some tears from her eyes in the guise of having a cold, saying, "I didn't have it in me to do it back then. Different times. And you know it's not that easy. Even without Daniel..." Judy started. She did not like being called incompetent.

Jaimie was just having fun poking her.

"Just kidding... I know... it's time."


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