I started reading my book on my phone again and felt tired. I closed my eyes slowly and felt my phone fall off my hand. I would have grabbed it but it was on my lap and I was tired. I groaned as my eyes and head started to hurt more than ever.

I'm glad that they didn't notice I was in the car. I was going to feel sick if I ate anything there. I seriously don't feel like eating or anything. I just want to close my eyes and sleep forever.

I groan and remove my seatbelt, pulling the side so that the chair moves back for me to lie down. I put my phone beside me and did all those with my eyes closed. I took off my glasses and put it beside my phone. I can't believe I have to deal with this right now. Out of all the times, it just so happens to do it now.

You know when you get needles in your eyes and your head feels like you got hit with a hammer, yes that's it. My temples felt a lot worse like it was burning. I'm sure I am not sick again because I was fine.

I just want to sleep for a bit.

Yeah, a bit. That would be great if I didn't think about everything all the time and I am still thinking. I did change into my grey sweater and sweats because it was cold and even had a brown jacket because I was cold. I had some five-dollar comfortable boots. I was fine. Did I change my socks?

Whatever. It doesn't matter, at least I brought my bag. Right? I peeked and saw it then sighed. I can't sleep. My mind is everywhere and the pain won't go away. I felt something wet on my forehead and opened my eyes quickly. I touch my forhead and see sweat. I didn't even exercise that much today. I close my eyes groaning. I swear this is tiring.

I heard the car unlock and my door open. "Cupcake?"

I shiver from the cold and groan. I peeked a bit but it stung my eye so I closed it. I felt something on my forehead. It was warm. I opened my eyes for a bit and looked to see it was Mathew.

"You're cold."He mumbles.

"It's cold,"I said and he hums.

"I know, hold on okay."He said and I heard loud footsteps in the car.

I looked to see he took my glasses and my phone. He put it in my bag and then got out to pick me up in his arms. I looked at him confused as he put me in the passenger front seat. Slowly, I felt like being laid down on the chair. He leaves and I hear him open the back. I heard a loud smack of the door closing then footsteps again. He came back with a blanket and put it on me.

"I'll turn on the car for you okay. I'm going to get you some food to eat. They have good noodles across the street."He told me patting the blanket on me.

"It hurts,"I told him and he frowned.


"My head,"I whisper closing my eyes and he hums.

"Don't worry. It will be gone soon. Just rest a bit."I nodded as I watched him close the door and open the front seat door to turn on.

I felt some heat all of a sudden and it felt good. I heard the door closed quietly then it was quiet. This felt good. I liked how warm it was getting, even my feet were warm. I sniffed feeling water come out of my nose then looked at the fluffy blanket. I couldn't handle the pain and started to feel bothered.

No one likes me. If my parents saw this they would ignore me and force me to do chores or hit me. They would get mad I wasn't doing anything and yet when they need help, I have to care for them. Why me? Why can't I get the care I need?

I heard the door open and turned my head to see Mathew sitting in the driver's seat. "It's okay."

I started to tear up, it was so painful I could just die. I shook my head and he just smiled at me. He smiled at me in this situation. It's not even something to smile about. I am in pain.

"Hold on okay."He said putting the food in the middle and then fixing the blankets on me.

He pulled the chair so I could sit a little. I watch as he opens the bag and takes out the food to put it over the bag. It was a bowl of noodles. Chicken noodles to be exact. He opens the foil over it and takes a scoop spoon.

"I don't want it,"I told him with a whine.

"You have to so I can give you medicine, now open,"Mathew told me and I looked at him disgusted.

"Let's take it slow, just try it for me,"Mathew said and slowly it hit my mouth.

I opened it and tried it. It was okay. It didn't taste good. I shook my head and he smiled at me. I hate food so much that I want people to stop producing it. That way everyone will die and so will I. First I'll die though, that's how it's going to work.

"You might be sick. Try more so the flavors come out."Mathew said. "Please."

I opened my mouth and he fed me more as I slowly felt warm and sleepy. My eyes closed as I felt like I was in the clouds being hugged by them. I didn't want to fight and I was already tired. After it seemed like forever. I was done and heard the doors open.

"You feeling okay?"I heard Erik's voice and I hummed.

I heard the door again and saw Mathew with a pill and a water bottle. I took it and slowly turned my head away to close my eyes. He started the car and was driving us home. It was quiet. All you can hear is the engine, the heater, and the clicks from the car when turning. Other than that it was peaceful.

I felt a hand on mine and intertwined to see it was Mathews. He started to hold my hand for some reason. Maybe to keep me warm or check on me. Maybe but this felt warm and felt good. It gave me a nice feeling in my stomach. It was really comforting.

new chapter: 11/27/2023

The Bad Boy Tutors The Suicidal Girl | ✓ RewritingWhere stories live. Discover now