[ 022 ] TAKE OVER

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chapter twenty-two
act iii dark world

                                                             IN HIS OBSERVATORY, Heimdall hears the sound of something approaching

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IN HIS OBSERVATORY, Heimdall hears the sound of something approaching.

He runs out onto the rainbow bridge, matching the pace of the invisible craft he can hear moving alongside him. Jumping up onto one of the bridge's supports, he runs along it until he reaches the highest peak, from which he leaps off.

As he hurtles towards the invisible craft he pulls two daggers from their sheaths at his waist and plunges them into the shell of the craft, dangling from them as the invisibility shield ripples away.

   He slides down the dark ship and jams a dagger into the engine. As the Harrow Ship crashes upon the bridge, Heimdall jumps clear; an expression of relief on his face for intercepting this invisible intruder.

But then he hears more sounds behind him and turns as the shadow of the great dark elf mothership falls across him. It, along with a host of this smaller craft have winked into plain sight.

He cannot single-handedly defeat them all. Heimdall watches, dumbfounded, as they pick up speed towards the great golden city.

Asgard tries to defend itself with anti-aircraft missiles and the release of its own air-borne craft, but the dark elves are faster, and they are drawing closer to the palace.

Heimdall runs back into the observatory and thrusts his sword into the control panel. A great energy dome rises up around the Palace itself, shielding it from the attack that is raging upon the rest of the city.

   A dark elf harrow ship collides into the energy dome and explodes

Within the palace, Algrim has found his way to a room where a huge whirling ball of energy – the machine that powers the palace's protective dome-  is housed.

He destroys it, and the dome collapses.

A harrow ship crash lands with purpose into the palace, knocking out dozens of supporting columns and taking out everyone in its path as it slides to a halt inside the throne room.

In the dungeons, Thor and his comrades glance around as the palace shudders and a rain of dust falls from the ceiling. Frowning, Thor looks to Loki, who glances around with a mildly-uneasy-but-still-fairly-ambiguous-expression.

Feeling it inside of the castle, Y/n rushed towards Marceline grabbing onto her friend's hand while the two women rushed behind Frigga holding each other's hand.

Back in the throne room, Asgardian soldiers warily approach the silent harrow ship. From within, the dark elves bide their time in silence, waiting for the Einherjar to draw closer.

Finally, they judge them close enough and begin firing upon them. Their weapons are hi-tech.

Their guns fire laser beams and their grenades swallow their targets up into miniature black holes. As the first wave of dark elves engages the Einherjar in battle, Malekith exits the ship.

He strides purposefully across the room, removes a grenade from the belt of one of his soldiers and throws it at the throne.

The throne is ripped into a black hole, sending a powerful message to the Asgardians: Their reign over the universe is over.

In his prison cell, Loki watches as the dungeon empties of soldiers, and he is left behind. Meanwhile, Odin enters the throne room and surveys the damage and carnage.

Malekith has already moved on, and the floor is scattered with the remains of Asgardian and dark elves alike. He is struck then with a realisation as to where Malekith might be heading.

As they hear him approach the great doors, Jane stands, fearful, and goes to Frigga's side. Frigga places herself before Jane and faces Malekith as Jane moves into the background.

Y/n stood behind the wall, trying to pace her heart and catch her breath. "Stand down, creature, and you may still survive this." Frigga walked with a new sword in her hand, behind her back but it was obvious.

"I have survived worse, woman." The creature chuckled strolling along.

"Who are you?" Frigga asked trying to buy time, with Marceline running to find Odin.

Maleskith, stood tall with his hand out. "I am Malekith, and I would have what is mine."

Malekith approaches, and Frigga glances behind her at Jane, understanding what it is that Malekith wants. Jane scuttles further back.

As Malekith draws closer, Frigga strikes him across the face with her sword. He withdraws his own sword and they begin to fight.

Frigga proves herself to be a strong warrior, and not only disarms Malekith but pins him beneath her with her sword to his throat. At that moment, Kurse comes up from behind, disarms her, and lifts her in the air. He presses her sword against her back in warning.

Malekith now approaches Jane. "You have something, child. Give it back." He reaches out to Jane, but as he grabs at her she dissolves. Realising she's a projection, he turns to Frigga.

"Witch!" He shouted in anger.

Frigga did nothing but a smirk, "Where is the Aether!"

With her head in a headlock, she was still loyal even under the pressure that she was under. "I'll never tell."

"I believe you."

Frigga never gave Y/n the warning to come out, wanting to protect the woman more than she wanted to protect herself. Kurse slides the sword into her back; causing Y/n to hear a groan she froze in her spot.

At that moment Thor's anguished cry can be heard as he arrives and sends a burst of lightning from Mjolnir. Y/n turned the corner seeing Frigga fall to her knees.

The lightning strikes Malekith in the face, instantly blackening one side, but he and Algrim run to the balcony. Thor throws his hammer, knocking them over the edge but as he runs forward, a harrow ship flies up and past, out of even Mjonir's range.

They have escaped; Y/n is rushed by Frigga's side.

Odin arrives, stars in shock and grief at Frigga; Marceline by his side looking down in shock; her hands on her mouth.

Frigga set herself up, she never said the word for Y/n to come out from hiding. Frigga died in her arms, butchered by cowards who didn't take 'no' for an answer.

For a moment she wished she had killed those men without thinking, kneeling down barefoot and breathless, Y/n survived a childhood of loneliness and commands even at the hands of her true father.

Nobody ever protected her as a child but Frigga, the woman learned how to love Y/n as if she was her own. Frigga loved everyone as if they were her own, that's where the void inside of her by protecting others came from.

Thor looked over at Y/n, who had glossy eyes turning while kneeling she looked up at the blond-haired god from over her shoulder. Odin had gone to his wife's side, as Y/n stood up almost shaking.

Marceline grabbed her friend's shoulder, guiding her into her hands. While they all watched Odin over his wife, holding onto her hand as she died.

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