Chapter 40

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-- Part 1 --

The waves parted around a large ship made of stone as it sailed across the sea, the late evening sun illuminating the water. A faint green glow emanated off of the ship, and appeared to be brighter around the center of the deck, where a large bulky creature made of stone dressed in a cloth robe stood, its hands firmly grasping a green metallic scepter. To the side of the stone creature was Jestar, who was significantly smaller and purple skinned. Jestar wore a black and blue jester costume, and had a rapier sheathed on his hip. Around the rest of the deck were small Hiduways, the critters having a rainbow of colorful orbs and different helmets on their head as they milled about.

"We are approaching Talon." The stone creature looked off into the distance, focusing its attention on the coastline that was now barely visible. "As the evening sun falls, the sky shall be bathed in red."

"What of Krazar and the Weaver?" Jestar turned to the creature, who continued staring at the approaching landmass.

"They shall join us soon. As shall the Forge."

"The Forge? This far down South?"


A small Hiduway with blue orbs bumped into the stone creature, pulling its attention away from the coast and back to the ship. "Stone Warlock, sire, we have spotted a second vessel approaching the Demon Egg."

"Relax, little one. It is our friends from the North." The Warlock turned to the West and watched as the sun slowly began to dip beneath the horizon. "Prepare for battle."

The Hiduway nodded and floated away, barking something at everyone it passed and spurring them to action. Jestar made his way to the edge of the boat and looked out into the sea, spotting a ship nearly twice the size of their own, composed of metal with glass tubings revealing a bright red energy flowing throughout the ship, almost as if it was alive.

After a few tense moments, the two boats dropped their anchors a short ways away from the rocky coast. A green energy enveloped the front half of the stone ship, reshaping it into a bridge and allowing the Hiduways to file off onto dryland. Meanwhile a metal bridge ejected out of the side of the other ship, embedding itself into the shore, allowing dozens of vaguely humanoid machines to join the Hiduways on the rocks.

After ensuring everyone was off of their ship, Warlock and Jestar disembarked, and were quickly joined by Gladiolus and Thane. Gladiolus was dressed in his typical green attire and scarves, though they were wrapped much tighter around his head, only barely revealing his eyes. Thane wore his bright shining armor, with a large white greatsword resting on his back between his feathery wings.

"Ah, the heroes of Talon." Warlock nodded at them while leaning slightly on his scepter.

"It has been too long since our last visit to Chelonioi." Thane smiled softly as he looked out on the crowd of Hiduways. "How is the kingdom?"

"As swell as ever. However we are not here to chitchat about the state of our worlds, are we?" The Warlock shifted and turned to face further inland, where there was a sharp drop off into a large crater. Gladiolus and Thane nodded, and the three of them moved to the edge of the crater, with Jestar staying behind.

In the center of the crater was a massive deep red colored orb, with a swirling dark energy trapped within it. The last rays of light soon vanished from the sky, leaving the trio to stare at the orb in slight confusion.

"I was under the impression you meant as soon as dusk fell." Gladiolus crossed his arms and stared down at the orb. "You would think an apocalypse would be timely with its arrival."

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