Chapter 34

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-- Part 1 --

The door to the bar creaked open as Creola stepped into her, smoke billowing out of his gas mask as he shakily made his way to a booth and sat down. His eyes scanned the room, taking note of the relatively few people. A few small tables were occupied, but only a single person sat at the bar. Said person looked like he had grabbed clothes from a dumpster outside, as his outfit was ragged and dirty, and he was drinking a golden yellow liquid from a glass.

The bartender took note of the bounty hunter and made her way to him, grabbing a bottle on her way over and setting it on his table. "So, Creola, it's been a hot minute. How did that contract go?"

"It went... Well. We took out the target."

"Garvel, right?" She popped the bottle open and offered it to Creola. "The way I heard it, Virus took him down."

"Yes, but we instigated it. And regardless of who did the deed, we got paid, and I haven't felt better since." The bounty hunter grabbed the bottle and lifted his mask up, taking a swig before handing it back to her.

"Interesting... Gotta say, it felt like all my demons vanished when I watched that video. It's good to see him dead." She took a long drink before slamming the bottle on the table and glaring at Creola, "But why didn't you invite me?"

The bounty hunter gave a distorted chuckle, causing his mask to become clouded in smoke. "Sorry, Cassandra, but you know I couldn't do that. If we both went down, who would take care of Netri?"

Cassandra huffed, her fingers tapping the bottle as she thought for a moment before responding, "Who's supposed to take care of Netri after you're gone?"

Creola shot up and was sent into a short coughing fit, "How- how did you know?'

"Netri told me- all of us actually. Claimed to be trying to find some kind of cure for you, and then left."

"Why didn't you stop him?!" The bounty hunter leaned forward and took his mask off, "He is going to die!"

"Creola, Netri is well past old enough and capable enough to take care of himself. We don't need to guide him around by his hand anymore."

"He's going to get himself killed! Do you not care about him?"

Cassandra snorted and took another drink, "I do. Which is why I told him to go home. He refused, so I left it be."

"That's not caring!"

"Neither is throwing yourself into senseless danger instead of being patient. So I guess we are both bad caretakers, huh?" She sat the bottle down and brushed her hair out of her face.

"That was different! I was trying to protect him!"

"So you went ahead and let your life get shortened? Sure. Protection. Do you even know how long you have left? Years? Months? A few weeks, a day?"

Creola got out of his seat and punched the table, "I don't care how long I have left! The kid-"

"He isn't a kid Creola!" Cassandra leapt onto the seat and glared down at the bounty hunter. "When will you get that through your thick fucking skull?!"

"Future of Mankind will kill him!"

"Well then it is his choice! If FoM can kill you, why can't they do the same to him!"

"Why are you acting so heartless?!"

"Because you knew you were going to die and didn't tell any of us! You kept it a secret! And now look at you, do you even have any time left?! Any time for us? For the rest of the Horizon Mercs?! For Netri?!" Her fists clenched as she drilled into Creola.

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