Chapter 17

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-- Part 1 --

Creola quietly watched the Future of Mankind HQ from the cover of nearby trees as the sun set on the horizon. Due to the size of the facility, it was constructed in a small valley nestled in the mountain range that bordered the east side of Vilova. His breathing was slow and barely noticeable to negate the smoke he breathes out as he studied the building's defenses.

So many guards... The main structure of the facility was their massive tower in the center, it was a tall circular tower that came to a single point at the top before expanding out into a two floor tall penthouse-like area. The walls of the facility were composed of glass and steel, with neon lights strung between the glass panes and slowly started lighting up to bright green. Aside from the tower there were also several warehouses and buildings on the property, all blocked off from the outside world by a large heavily guarded wall, making it seem more like a prison than a research facility.

Taking the front door would be suicide by lead. Meaning our only option is one of the passageways... The back doors... Creola unrolled a small paper copy of the map Alice had drawn, depicting the hidden entrances and exits to the facility, including the escape route. If this works, this will no doubt be the reason... The cyborg slowly stood up and moved away from the HQ, heading a short distance away to a small camp that had been set up.

A large muscular man with short red hair and a matching beard grinned upon seeing Creola's return to the camp. The man was outfitted in a thick layer of bullet proof armor, and had a large disc and sword handle attached to his back. "So what's the report?"

"Nothing good, guards are everywhere. We just gotta hope those backdoors are still around after Alice's escape." Creola sighed and sat down in the grass, with the large man staring at him before smiling.

"Cheer up buddy, regardless of what happens today, we are going to take him down for good."

"Ya seem way too cheerful about murder there, Terrance."

"I can't see how I wouldn't be. This is Garvel we're talking about. We finally have a chance for him to suffer like we did." Terrance's face fell as he glared quietly at the ground. "That man is a blight to all. He deserves no mercy when we get our hands on him."

"Agreed... I just wish we didn't have to involve everyone else in this. I wish it was a clean and easy take down..." The bounty hunter stared at the ground as a small bit of smoke puffed from his mask.

The two men fell silent until there was rustling in the bushes, they both turned their attention to it as a girl emerged. Her eyes burned with hate and malice, but not towards the other two at the camp. Her entire head was burnt and twisted, leaving her bald. Her lower face was covered in a gas mask, and her entire body was covered by a silicone rubber suit, with two large tanks outfitted on her back, with a long hose and nozzle attached to each tank and currently hooked holsters on her waist. She nodded at Terrance as she directed her attention towards Creola.

"I found that tunnel. It's long, and small. I don't think Terrance can fit." Her eyes darted between the two of them before settling on the dirt, "I also found a second tunnel. Much bigger. But the maps show it leads right into the heart of everything. Bad idea." She narrowed her eyes and flopped down. "All of it, bad ideas. I want him dead too, but this is. Too much for so little."

Creola nodded and sighed, "Settle down Embers. I'm going to go check out that tunnel you found, so I need you two to wait here for everyone else to show up."

"Wait, you're going in?!" Terrance shot up and glared at the hunter, "Are you insane?! Going in alone is a terrible idea!"

"Why? It seems better to... Wait for everyone else." Embers crossed her arms and joined in glaring at Creola.

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