Chapter 4 | The Fallen Sword

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---50 Minutes Later---

---Seydlitz Pov---

Bursting back first out a building with my sword in front my chest in a blocking fashion as the arrow emits sparks in all directions putting pressure on me, and shoving me back harder as the seconds ticked by. Crashing feet first atop the waters I slide in reverse continuing to fight Enterprises arrow to redirect it, or destroy it! I slide violently between Two Sakura Warships and find myself outside the blockade and into the side of which Azur Lane was fighting from. The center of my blade begins to glow red hot as the heat generated from the arrow grows more and more intense. "I WON'T DIE... NOT HERE!!! I WON'T LOOOOOOOOOSE!" I Roar out desperate to survive, and prove my worth, with all the strength I had I started twisting, and my blade, and forcing the arrow back, till I managed to redirect it away from me and off the blade into a Azur Lane Unazured Destroyer vessel where it explodes splitting the ship in half. I extend my damaged rigging and let my sharks roar out along with me as Enterprise dropped out of the sky from atop her plan tens of feet in front me, and took aim with her bow to fire another arrow.

"You've lost kid..." She tells me extremely calm, as blood drips from my wounds along my body, and face, a drip of blood finds it's way off my forehead and into my right eye, tinting the whites in that eye red. I tsk and growl out in a desperate tone of tired nature. "It's not over... Until I say it's over..." with that I raise my sword and charge at her at 31 knots. a speed I've found happens to be here max as well when we clash atop the waters. She fires a arrow that shatters, and scatters into ten, I leap off my feet and slice and dice through the arrows rapidly with my sword, and land with a crash atop the waters directly in front her whilst slicing straight down atop her, she uses her bow, and blocks just above her head, stopping the blade from striking her, and immediately begins being pushed back in reverse as I leaned in close behind my blade with my face nearly in her own.

"I'LL SLAY YOU!!! AND BRING ABOUT THE END OF THIS MEANINGLESS WAR!!!" I roar in her face. "If this war is so mean less then why are we fighting for!" She asks of me rather calmly to be fighting me. "BECAUSE IF I DON'T MY SISTER'S WILL!!! I LONG TO PROTECT THEM!!!" I roar pulling my blade off her bow, and spin around slicing for her center mass, she blocks with her bow and kicks into my leg making me buckle down and stumble a moment, immediately taking an arrow and firing it at me point blank, the arrow scatters into 10 and pierces into my chest, but doesn't leave my body out the other side, causing a crimson flame to burst out my eyes and mouth. violently I scream out in pain as the inside of my ship ignites with flames in my engine compartments. Flames burst out my sharks mouths, and I point them at her, as they begin spewing out like flame throwers, she blocks with her arms and bow as the flames threaten to burn her alive, and scorch her arms, and bow. "SINK!!!" I roar out firing my main caliber guns at her whilst the flames pinned her down. She looks over her blocking arms and her eyes narrow with fear as the shells strike into her and spin about emitting sparks all over her body attempting to pierce her body and skin. Raising her bow above her head, and grabbing it with both hand she slams it down like a blunt weapon atop the shells making them explode before they can pierce, causing the bow to shatter into pieces.

I spin my sword in my hands and stab for her chest, she puts her hands out to try and stop me but it's to late, everything goes black as I close my eyes tight, and screams of pain fill my ears, and echo, as I open my eyes, I find my hands and sword shaking around as I hold my blade, the tip of the blade has pierced her fatigues, and rests between her breasts, but doesn't move to pierce her chest to deliver the final blow. My eyes glow with crimson as I roar out in tears at her. Whilst twisting and turning my head with a anime desperation face. "What's wrong with me! WHY CAN'T I BRING MYSELF TO KILL ANYONE!" I roar out at Enterprise/Grey Ghost for answers, in hopes she off all people could give me the answer. She stares at me with a look of shock to see this weakness in a Iron Blood of all people. I grow this desperately pacifist look in my eyes and continue to cry as I drop my sword allowing it to fall atop the water and collapse atop my knees in front her and reach out gripping at her fatigues and resting my head against her lower stomach in tears with my face hanging and eyes laid atop the water. "I just want to protect my sisters... Like they do me, but yet I don't wish to hurt anyone!!! But If I don't hurt the enemy, they will hurt my sisters! WHAT'S WRONG WITH MEEEE!" I roar out as ships of Azur lane continue to let their ships fire, but they stare out at me and Enterprise in shock of the sight of a broken-down Iron Blood who'd had their strongest ship by the end of my blade... Yet I let her live.

She stares down at me in silence for a while before gently taking my hands off her fatigues. "I think I understand you Iron Bloods more then I did when this war began..." She states crouching down atop one knee and hugging me up against me to provide comfort to me in my time of confusion and desperation. My guns lower and my shark rigging completely stands down in response to the hug and I weakly hug her back like a kid hugging their mother after having fell off their bike for the first time.

---Prinz Eugen Pov---

Crashing back first through the broken-down roof of a building along the edge of the flooded island, I feel my guns malfunction, rear main 3 and 4 are struggling to turn and rotate, and forward main is blown apart, whilst only forward main 2 is left undamaged. "Tsk... You're really starting to piss me off Belfast!" I roar out losing my temper worried out of my mind that my little brother could be dying out there against the Grey ghost! Whilst she's keeping me from assisting him! "Pardon miss Eugen! But I can't allow you to interfere with Miss Enterprises fight. I shall remain your challenger for now!" Belfast speaks out in a loud tone, but yet never yelling. Whilst she leaped through the air following me through the hole I left in the building. I tsk even louder, pointing all my guns down at her, and firing. "You can't dodge in mid air!" I think to myself as my shells reach her, she holds her armored arms and the steel armor along her arms deflects the shells off in different directions into ricochets. I widen my eyes as I'd left myself defenseless having done that, she races through the air and gets with in inches of me, whilst pointing her main guns at me. "Goodbye Eugen" She spoke in a rather Un maidly tone of ending a rivalry, followed by unleashing every gun she had at one time, that struck into my gut chest, and rigging.

The only shells to pierce happened to hit my rigging and blew all my turrets clean apart bending barrels, making holes in the turrets, and blowing one clean off the rigging, yet not causing a fire. The rest of the shells fail to pierce but gash me wide open all over the body as they partially pen my body and then explode thrusting me away from her, and into the distance back first I slam into a Sakura Light Cruiser and puke up blood atop my body followed with three heavy coughs and a heavy breath of pain that screamed I barely clung to life in the moment. "Prinz Eugen!" Takao shouts lifting me off the side of the ship and aboard the deck, throwing my arm over her shoulders as I grew a shadow over my eyes that hid them from the world. "Atago! Get a med bag from the medical bay!" Takao shouts to her sister, who nods and races into the ships. "Don't worry Eugen, we'll patch you up! You're going to be fine!" Takao assures me, as I express no interest in my own wellbeing. "I-I can't... Stay here, I have to help my little Brother." I tell her trying to get out of her helping hands to go on my own, but she doesn't let me. "Eugen, I don't know how to say this... Other then to tell you to look out there to see the scene for yourself." Takao states, that tone she had didn't exactly make me feel hopeful for what I was about to see. I raise my head weakly from hanging and see Seydlitz atop his knees crying over the shoulder of Enterprise, who's Flight deck was completely battered, and beaten to beyond recognition, and her broken bow and arrow laying around the two, clearly showing he'd won and left her defenseless as his guns looked all damaged, but operation and his sword unbroken lying beside them.

She hugged him almost like how me and Hipper have in the past when he'd break down and cry from feeling useless and fearful of being scrapped all those years. Surrounding them slowly was other Azur Lane warships. Meaning his fate was no doubt sealed, that he'd be making no get away... He was destined to be captured by the enemy and I was too weak to put a stop to it. "S-Seydlitz..." I mutter in pain... seeing him broke down like that... hurt me inside... "We should have never brought you into this war in the pacific little brother... Blucher was right... You weren't cut out for war... you're just a scared and innocent boy... Not a soldier... not a warship... I'm sorry... That I only now choose to accept her words as true... Deep down I hoped you'd be just like me and Hipper... But... I guess I've got no one else to blame but me... for putting you into all these situations that nearly get you killed..." I think to myself.

---End Of Chapter 4---

Forged In Blood | Male Warship X Azur LaneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu