Chapter Fifteen - It's a wrap

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A/n: Hurt/comfort type last chapter? Maybe. Yes. :)

Wesley POV 

There was silence in the room for a moment as Stanley stared up at him—a look of confusion on his face. Wesley smiled.

' ' Well, what do you want to do? ' ' Stanley asked. 

' ' I don't know. Something? Let's bake something! ' ' 

Stanley stood up. He blinked oddly as Wesley moved in front of him. 

' ' I'm not very good at that.. ' ' He said. 

Wes took his hand. He didn't care. He just wanted to do something with Stanley. Besides, he could bake. His gaze softened. 

' ' So? I can teach you. ' ' 

Stanley's face turned red as Wes led him to the kitchen. He smiled as he began gathering ingredients for a blueberry pie. He decided that hand-making the crust would be fun. 

Stanley stood beside him as he laid the ingredients out. Stanley's face twisted in confusion. Wesley looked over with a laugh. He pulled Stanley closer. 

' ' Okay, Stanley. Mix these real quick. ' ' Wes said, handing him the dry ingredients 

Stanley did as he was told as Wesley moved over to the side. Slowly he added ice water. Wes handed Stanley the spoon to mix it. As he did so Wes started on the filling. Stanley moved the crust over to chill. 

Wes moved to look at him. He smiled softly. Stanley only really responded with a blank stare. Wesley kissed his forehead. His face immediately went red. 

' ' Will you stop doing that? ' ' He muttered.

' ' Why? ' ' Wes asked, ' ' does it embarrass you? ' '

Wes smiled teasingly. 

' ' Wha- no of course not. ' ' Stanley huffed. 

Wesley laughed in return. Moving back to what he had been doing beforehand. Before they knew it the pie was done and they were letting it cool down. So they decided to go for a walk. 

They walked down the park walkways calmly. Soon enough they were approached by a woman around their age. She had a soft warmth on her face as she scanned Wes. Wes moved closer to Stanley, who had stopped mid-sentence. 

' ' Hello there. ' ' Wes said softly. 

' ' Well hello, handsome. ' ' She replied.

' ' Do you need something? ' '

' ' Not necessarily a need, but I could your number. ' '

Wes laughed nervously. He didn't know what to do in this type of situation.

' ' I'm sorry.. I don't think I know you well enough for that... ' ' 

He glanced over at Stanley. If looks could kill the woman would be dead on the ground by now. He returned his eyes to the woman. 

Narrate this b!tch | Stanley x the narrator | a Stanley parable fan ficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang