Chapter Eleven - Napping

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A/n: Hello! Very short chapter! Yet it's still a chapter I suppose,  This ones is mainly for fluff purposes! I'm also trying to get more on my schedule 

 Wesley's pov 

Later that day, after the confirmation, Weasley was sitting in his room. He was lying on his bed happily. He was happily clapping his hands. Soon enough, his door opened slightly. Wesley paused, looking over. 

Stanley stood at his door. Wes sat up. He tilted his head. Stanley rarely came into his room. Was something wrong? Wesley tilted his head slightly. 

' ' Is something wrong Stanley? ' '

Stanley shook his head. He moved over. Stanley sat down next to Wesley. Wes looked over at him, slightly confused. He didn't completely understand what Stanley wanted. Did he need something? He blinked oddly. 

' ' Everything is alright, correct? ' ' Wes asked

' ' Mhm.. ' ' Stanley let out

Stanley placed his head on Wesley's shoulder. Wesley looked down at him. How odd. He didn't really expect this, but in all honesty, Stan probably didn't expect the hug this morning. Wesley wasn't even sure why he did that. Whyever he did it, he kind of enjoyed the physical affection. 

Stanley's eyes closed. Alright, so nothing was wrong. Weasley sighed. He looked forward slightly. His eyes dulled. He didn't know how to react to this situation. He looked down at his hands. How was he supposed to react? 

He did know that he felt.. something. What was the feeling? He couldn't tell. He often heard it referred to.. Butterflies? Whatever that meant. He never understood things like that. His heart fluttered a bit. 

His eyes moved back to Stanley. He seemed to be... asleep...? Deep asleep. He appeared to be peaceful. That and like he hadn't slept in a while. How long had it been since he's slept? Or at least properly. He hadn't seemed tired lately. Especially not recently. Or this morning. 

A light smile rested on his face. Wes felt a sense of calmness rush over him. He watched Stanley for a moment. He then looked down at his hands that rested palm up on his lap. He blinked. 

' ' I've made up my mind, ' ' He said, more to himself than Stanley, ' ' I'm going to stay. ' ' 

' ' That's wonderful.. ' ' Stanley sleepily responded. 

Wes assumed he had awoken when he spoke randomly. Stanley shifted and wrapped his arms around Wesley. Wesley felt his face warm up. He looked at Stanley quickly. What was going on? What was he feeling? His heart moved fast. Yet he did feel.. sleepy? 

Maybe a good nap would be in store for him as well. He adjusted a bit to have him and Stanley laying down. He let out a sheepish shy as he adjusted himself and wrapping his arms around Stanley. 

Stanley's POV

Stanley was quite comfortable. After Wesley adjusted Stanley buried his face into his chest. He felt as Wesley's heart seemed to flutter. It was actually quite calming. Wesley was obviously not good at this. Honestly, Stanley didn't care.

He enjoyed the warmth. He enjoyed being there. It was oddly calming. Honestly, he had never expected to be there. If you were to tell him years ago that he would be cuddling the voice that nagged him on and on he would have died of laughter. 

Soon he felt Wesley's breathing and heart rate calm down. He assumed this meant that Wesley had fallen asleep. A small soft smile fell across his face. He felt safe and calm. He especially felt great that Wesley had decided to stay. 

Knowing that he would have a friend nearby in his house was soothing. That was wonderful to him. He felt safe. He let out a slight hum as he pulled himself closer to Wesley. He shut his eyes as he relaxed his body. 

What a wonderful feeling. He felt his heart flutter slightly. Yet he wouldn't be able to enjoy this feeling for long. He felt himself falling asleep. That was fine though. He could already tell that this would be the best sleep he's gotten in a while. 

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