Chapter thirteen - Life is what you make it. So live

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Wesley POV

His heart raced as he looked at Stanley. Now was the time. Wasn't it? Now, before any other time. Now was the time for him to say it. There was no perfect time. So now was that time. He stared at Stanley. Stanley stared back with a confused and concerned look.

Wesley let out an odd laugh. He needed to get out. He could do that, right? That or he could just explode. Explode into a million little pieces. That way, he didn't have to deal with these emotions. 

' ' Wesley... What's wrong? ' ' Stanley asked again. 

This time, something changed. Stanley's voice was softer. Wesley's heart fluttered. 

' ' Absolutely nothing. ' ' Wes said in awe. 

The softness in Stanley's voice had made his fear fade almost entirely. Maybe he could tell him. He'd have to eventually.  He looked downwards. 

' ' Stanley, I.. ' ' He paused. 

' ' Yeah? ' ' Stanley said

The sun had set behind them. The wind had picked up sending a shiver down Wesley's spine. He should hurry this up so they didn't get sick. 

' ' I'll be completely honest, ' ' He began, ' ' OK. I uh.. ' ' 

Stanley watched him. A soft smile sat on his face.

' ' I-it's you.. ' '

' ' What's me? ' 'Stanley tilted his head. 

' ' I like you, Stanley. ' ' 

Stanley stopped, his face turning red.

' ' No... Actually, I love you. More than anything. I honestly do. ' '

Stanely stared for a moment before covering his face. Wesley moved back a bit. 

' ' Shit.. ' ' Stanley mumbled through his hands.

Wesley's heart dropped. This wouldn't mess anything up, would it? Fuck.. fuck fuck fuck fuck. 

Stanley did not reply for a good moment. Wesley's heart began to sink. Well, there that goes. Maybe his only friendship would end here. He'd pack his things the next morning and move out. 

And he'd be alone. 

But then Stanley did speak. He spoke calmly and clearly. 

' ' Wesley. ' ' 

His hands moved from his face, his eyes to meet Wesley's. Wesley froze. Now was the news. The time when Stanley was going to turn him down. He already felt tears forming. 

Yet Stanley didn't say anything he feared. Instead, he stood up and moved over to Wesley. He lowered himself and cupped Wesley's face in his hands. 

' ' I have loved you for an eternity now and will love you for every eternity that rolls around. ' ' 

His face was soft. He smiled at Wesley in a way that let him know he meant it. And Wesley did know. And all was good. And then all would be good. He could tell. 

He saw it in Stanley's eyes. A look that Wesley had thought of as respect and joy was now one of love. Wesley felt silent as a tear fell down his face. One that had once been of fear and anxiousness was now happiness and cheer. 

Stanley smiled calmly. He stood up calmly. He held out his hand to help Wes up. 

Stanley's POV

Stanley looked up at Wesley. Wesley let out an awkward laugh, whipping away a tear Stanley hadn't noticed in the dark. 

' ' What now? ' ' Wesley asked, a smile resting on his face

' ' i suppose we head home. ' ' 

Wes nodded in response. They began walking. Stanley grabbed Wesley's hand. Their fingers intertwined.  Stanley's heart pattered. 

He felt Wesley's eyes on him. He didn't mind it. He sighed calmly. He messed with Wesley's hands. Then he felt Wes squeeze his hands. He looked down at the ground slightly.

When they got home Stanley walked in first. Wes closed the door behind him. Stanley turned to him. Stanley looked up to meet Wesley's eye. He walked over, a smile slowly gaining on his face. 

He wrapped his arms around Wesley. He hummed to himself for a moment, keeping eye contact. He enjoyed the warm silence of the two. 

' ' What do you want for dinner? ' ' Wes asked awkwardly 

' ' Whatever you want. ' ' Stanley replied, blurring his head in Wesley's chest.

Right, they hadn't eaten since lunch. HIm not eating didn't matter to Stanley as long as he was here. He would probably fall asleep before the food was done. He was pretty tired from being out all day. 

Wesley out a low laugh. Stanley groaned in response. He didn't move though. He sighed and shook his head slightly. 

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