Chapter seven - The two of us

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notice: this chapter has some things that'll make you yell at me but there will be no smut in this book. I can't take myself seriously enough. 

Wesley's POV 

He watched Stanley, who was in return watching him. He sighed, looking down. He hummed, placing one arm across his torso and placing it on his wrist. Wes looked back at Stanley as he walked in front of him. 

He felt something. An emotion he had felt before. Though of course, he couldn't recognise what this emotion was. He wanted to.. stay with Stanley? To hold him and care for him. No. That was stupid. He had told himself that many times. 


He felt his face turn red. Was he.. was he in love with Stanley? He froze unable to move with this slight realisation. Damn. This is going to be awkward, isn't it?  Having to stay with someone he had a crush on... damn. 

He had zoned out and hadn't realised Stanley had stopped. He was so lost in his thoughts. He didn't hear as Stanley walked closer to him. He stared down. Soon he was snapped out of his thoughts when Stanley spoke to him. 

' ' Wes..? Are you okay? ' ' 

His voice was sweet and soft and full of worry. Wes looked at him quickly. He awkwardly smiled slightly. 

' ' Yeah- yeah I'm fine! ' ' 

He backed up to get space between the two. He just wanted to find them a place.  He shook his head looking down at Stanley again with a frown. He was glad it was dark. He felt his face red. Soon enough arms wrapped around him. His heart moving fast. 

' ' Hm..? ' ' 

He looked down at Stanley, whose face was buried in Wesley's chest at this point. Wes laughed awkwardly before returning the hug. He gently placed his chin on Stanley's head.  His eyes glossed over as he tried to slow his heart rate. He slowed his breathing 

' ' Shouldn't we find a hotel? ' ' Wesley asked

' ' There's one nearby, but... I wanna stay like this for awhile ' '

Wes paused slightly. He looked down at Stanley who moved his head to look up at Wesley. Wesley sighed accepting his fate of being here for a few more minutes. Stanley placed his head back into Wesley's chest. 

They stayed like that for a few moments before Stanley pulled away. He turned and Wes followed quickly. Soon enough they made it to the hotel they were looking for. The light revealed how red Wesley's face was. 

Stanley looked over seeming to notice, but not make any comments. They walked up to the counter. The two of them together - luckily - had enough to get a two-bedroom room. (haha nerds) ad each get their own bed. Wes was quite tired. He hadn't felt true tiredness until this moment. 

His excitement of being out of the Parable had made him not realise how tired he truly was. Now he knew. He moved slowly next to Stanley. Who looked over. Stanley's face was a light shade of red. 

He didn't notice it before. He looked down slightly. He looked around. He sighed slightly. He looked back at Stanley. He looked at the bathroom. 

' 'I-I'm going to take a shower real quick.. ' ' 

Stanley nodded. Wesley walked to the bathroom. He began to strip after turning the water. 

(mm sorry. You aren't getting a shower scene- I wouldn't be able to write it. I wouldn't be able to take it seriously enough istg-)

Once done he dried off he had nothing but his boxers on. He'd rather put on clean clothes. He picked up his clothing and walked. 

Stanley POV

Stanley looked over as Wesley walked from the bathroom. He looked away his breathing stopped. Damn. He was quite fit. How did he get that fit? His face turning red. Even redder than earlier before.  Shit. 

Wait- did Stanley find him.. Attractive..? Fuck. No. He had felt something like this before towards him, but was it now getting amplified? It couldn't be.. He had already liked him- no. He hadn't. Why would he like the narrator? Someone who nagged him for the past god knew how long. 

So how he could like him? Stanley glanced over. Wes was looking at him tilting his head. Stanley looked over at the window. Yeah. They had gotten a nice view. Stanley heard Wesley get into bed. He sighed. He shook his head.

He turned and walked over. He turned off the lights before moving back to his bed. He covered up slowly. He laid on his side before turning to look up at the roof. He stayed like that for a good moment in silence. 

He had so much to think about. So why was his head empty? He had absolutely no thoughts. Why was that? God, he wasn't quite sure. It was so silent. Nothing being said. Nothing being thought. He had never heard so much silence. 

' ' Stanley..? ' ' Wesley let out

' ' Yes? ' ' 

' ' Do you think we'll drift apart now that we're out of the parable..? ' ' 

' ' ...I- I mean... ' ' He paused, ' ' I hope not. ' ' 

They couldn't drift apart now. Not after everything. Why would they? Wesley had fallen silent after a bit more of their speaking. Stanley assumed he fell asleep and turned to the other side. Once again it was silent ad he was alone. Alone with the silence. He knew it wouldn't last long. 

He felt his eyes closing. Would it be possible for him to tell Wesley how he felt? Would Wes think of him any differently? He honestly didn't know. Neither did he have much time to ponder as his eyes slowly closed and he drifted off into sleep. 

Narrate this b!tch | Stanley x the narrator | a Stanley parable fan ficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant