Chapter five - A new ending

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Wesley POV

Both shut their eyes as Wesley took a deep breath. Slowly, he opened them again and looked around. There they were. Outside. They hadn't restarted like they normally would. He laughed. He laughed and laughed. So much so that Stanley looked over. 

' ' We did it. ' ' he breathed ' ' We're out.. ' '

Stanley shook his head. Weasley looked over at him, slightly confused about what he meant by this. 

' ' You did this. ' '

' ' What? ' ' he asked

' ' You did this. You found out how to do this. You stopped the reset. You got us out here. ' ' 

Stanley smiled. Wesley paused. He had done everything. For Stanley. That was the only reason he found anything out. He wanted Stanley to be happy. He wanted to make Stanley happy.

Of course, he wanted to be out too. He had never seen the outside world before. His eyes moved from Stanley to the path before them. He also felt Stanley's eyes move from him. 

Wesley moved forward quickly pulling Stanley with him. He wanted to see everything. He hummed to himself as he moved quickly ahead excited to see everything. He wanted to experience everything with Stanley. Especially with Stanley. 

He looked back with a wide smile on his face his eyes wide. He could worry about money later. He would worry about money later. He could get a job. Right..? Stanley had experience. Yet and Weasley could find something he was good at. 

Definitely. He'd have to. So they could stay there. So he and Stanley stay there. Or well somewhere. He at least hoped they'd stay together. Close together at least. He wanted to stay close to him. 

He paused and looked at Stanley. He was full of excitement. He loved it out here so far.

' ' Where are we going first? ' ' 

' ' I... I don't remember what's around here. ' ' Stanley muttered

Right. Both had been there so long. Neither had seen the outside in a while. Of course, Weasley had never seen the outside. Ever.

They could figure it out. Right? Weasley was trying his best. He would.. they'd find a place to go.  They would. After they did a few things together.

Stanley POV

Stanley was being dragged around. He was fine with it. Used to it even. Wesley usually liked to have a plan. He knew that. What was he to do now? He couldn't control anything. Nothing would go to his command anymore. They were outside and on their own. 


They had each other. It was the two of them against the world. From now on. For forever it had just been those two. Without contact unless Stanley got the Museum ending. That was it. Now they could speak to others. 

If Stanley could remember how that is. He hadn't talked in so long. He hadn't had the need. Up until this moment, since he had been stuck in the parable, everyone could read his mind. 

Now here he was. He had to speak. Something he had to get used to. Yeah. Whatever. Time to get used to it he supposed. The same way that he got used to being bossed around by Wesley. He could do that. 

He had to do that. He looked around as he was being dragged. Or somewhat dragged. He was walking along with him. The best he could at least. Wesley walked surprisingly fast. Especially for someone who didn't walk much. Stanley walked much more yet seemed to be slower than the taller male. 

Maybe that was a choice with the body. What a strange thing. He smiled awkwardly at Wesley who wasn't looking at him. He hummed slightly as they walked. 

' ' Is the curator out now two now? ' ' Stanley asked

' ' Hm? ' ' Weasley let out

' ' From the museum? Is she free now too? ' ' Stanley let out

' ' I suppose she could be.. ' ' Wesley muttered

Would she be alone forever now? It'll probably be quieter and more peaceful without them running around and fighting. It would get lonely though he supposed...

A/n: sorry for another short Chapter, but I started school recently. Anyways longer ones should be ahead when motivation starts

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