Chapter twelve - An outing.

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Many months passed again, and Wesley's book was published. It was very popular and had many copies sold, giving a decent income to Wesley and Stanley.

Stanley's POV

Stanley sat in the living room. He kicked his legs calmly. His eyes on the small screen of his phone as he watched a show he had been enjoying. He huffed. Wesley hadn't moved from his room all day, and Stanley was getting bored. 

He sat up quickly. He wanted to do something. The two hadn't hung out outside of the house much recently. Why not do that? He stood up. The two spent too much time working. Wesley went straight from his job to writing.

Stanley didn't do much when he got home, but he did clean and cook a lot. Wesley did do those things too, but Stanley insisted on doing it due to Wesley overworking himself. Today was a break day, Stanley decided. Now to convince Wesley!

He moved to Wesley's room. He opened the door slowly. Wesley seemed to look back at him for a moment. He then looked back down. Working. Or seeming to be. He seemed to be more.. staring at his laptop. 

Stanley walked over placing his hands on his shoulders. He smiled leaning forward. He looked down at the laptop. Nothing seemed to have been added in a while. Stanley's eyes moved to look at Wesley. 

' ' You got any good scene down lately? ' ' 

Wesley glanced over with a slight annoyance. He then groaned and leaned back. Stanley paused and moved back. His annoying smile faded again. He hummed slightly to Wesley's, seemingly, annoyance. 

' ' No. God, you've never been one to let me write my stories. ' '

Stanley laughed slightly. He guessed not. He moved to stand next to the taller male. He then lowered himself to the sitting man's current height. He looked over at him. 

' ' Why don't were go out today? ' ' 

' ' Hm? ' ' Wesley let out looking over. 

' ' like we did when we first got out? ' ' Stanley offered. 

' ' Why. .? ' ' Wes asked

' ' For fun! Possibly for inspiration? ' ' 

Wesley just stared at him for a bit in slit confusion. Stanley smiled back at him. With a sigh, Wesley's laptop was closed. He stood up at the same time as Stanley. 

Wesley turned to face the door as Stanley happily grabbed his hand. This caused a jump from Wesley. Stanley started to pull his hand away, but Wesley reluctantly grabbed it back. Stanley looked down and then back at Wes. He smiled calmly.

He lead Wesley calmly from the room and then from the house. He continued to walk. He looked back at  Wesley. Wesley once again looked to have something on his mind. Stanley found his thinking look cute. 

His face was scrunched and his eyes stayed downward. He looked so serious and possibly angry. Stanley let out a slight laugh at this. This seemed to pull Wesley out of his thoughts. He looked over at Stanley with a pathetic look of confusion. 

' ' What..? ' ' Wesley asked sadly 

' ' Your stupid face! ' ' 

Narrate this b!tch | Stanley x the narrator | a Stanley parable fan ficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin