Christmas time. Kyoko's shining memories.

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Kyoko shook her head and got a determined look. "Girls! Let's go!" She said and the others nodded.

The girls and fairies flew around in a pink, blue and green void and smiled. "Inner lights. Illuminate!" They all shouted and lights appeared from them, making pink, blue and light green round crystals. "Yinsy." Kyoko started. "Yangso." Aoi then added. "Change up!" They both said and the fairies shined before turning into a round circles with a hole in the middle. Their arms and heads was still there, together with Yangso's tail. "Light crystal ready." They all three said before Kyoko and Aoi threw their crystals at the fairies who caught them in their arms. And Mukuro put it on the pendant making the star on it glow.

The crystals glew and both Kyoko and Aoi grabbed respective fairy as Mukuro held up her pendant. "Pretty cure, light up!" They all shouted and light appered around them. Their outfits appeared. It was their gloves, dresses, shoes, earrings and necklaces. Then their hair changed too. Yinsy and Yangso then flew onto Kyoko's and Aoi's waists, where Yinsy earned a pat on the head. And Yangso earned a high five. Mukuro put the pendant on her chest and it glew.

Kyoko landed on the ground with cherry blossoms flying from her. "The blooming light of passion. Cure Sakura!" She said and did her pose.

Aoi landed on the ground with water drops flying from her. "The splashing light of wisdom. Cure Afrodite!" She said and did her pose.

Mukuro landed on the ground with sparks flying from her. "The sparking light of justice. Cure Jade!" She said and did her pose.

"We ninja of light will protect everyone's shining hopes and dreams." They all started and stood in a pink, blue and green void. "Ninja light, pretty cure!" They ended and pink, blue and yellow sparks appered around them.

They started to fight the Mega Darkaro. Afrodite and Jade managed to distract it as Sakura jumped into the air, ready to hit it. But suddenly, she saw her grandma smiling and froze. This got Amane's attention and she smirked before sending a blast towards her. "Sakura!" Afrodite shouted but Sakura got hit and knocked back.

"Seems like your teammate can't fight someone special to her." She smirked and Sakura layed there. "I can't do it." She said before she saw someone familiar walk up to her. "You can my dear." Her eyes widend when she saw who it was. "Grandma. I'm sorry but." Tears fell from her eyes as her grandma wiped them off. "It's okay. Remember. I might be gone but I'll always be in your heart. Don't let someone tell you otherwise. And also the real me is always with you." She said and Kyoko hugged her.

The others kept fighting before they saw a big light. "No one smudge my grandma's image!" Sakura came flying while glowing. "Shining flower explosion!" She yelled as she hit the Mega Darkaro with a big explosion of flowers, knocking it out.

"No!" Amane yelled as Sakura turned to the others. "Let's finish it." She said and summoned her sword and so did the others.

All three where in a dark void with their colors as stars. "Shine. The three blades of hope!" They said while holding their swords. The blades glew in their respective colors. "Blade of passion!" Sakura yelled and cut through the air with cherry blossom flowers flying after the blade. "Blade of wisdom!" Afrodite yelled and cut through the air with water drops flying after the blade. "Blade of justice!" Jade yelled and cut down with a lighting bolt following the blade.

They all held the swords up that glew stronger. "Let our shining hope slash through darkness." They all said and jumped into the air, towards the Mega Darkaro. Lights in their respective colors appeared around them. "Pretty cure! Shining triple slash!" They yelled and slashed the air one by one. The three slashes went together and hit the Mega Darkaro.

It's skin cracked before it exploded into light, making the pink light orb fly back into the Kyoko's mom, which made her eyes turn back to normal as her hopes and dreams returned. Amane looked at the cures in fear as her pendant fell on the ground together with the metal and dark crystal. "No. No." She said as the cures looked at her confused.

Suddenly they saw someone appere behind. "Seems like your time is up." Amane turned around and saw Calypso standing behind her. Before she could do anything, Calypso took up a dark pendant with a crown symbol on it. "You're no longer in service." She said and shot light at Amane.

The cures watched as Amane screamed before disappearing. "What happened?" Afrodite said. Calypso turned to the cures with a smile. "Good to finally meet you. Pretty cure. I'm Calypso. Queen of shadows. And I've come to finish the job." She said and held up her pendant. "Ultimate blackout!" She yelled and the pendant glew. Suddenly the cure's eyes widend in shock as alot of light orbs came flying towards the pendant.

Around Hashinto town was people losing their light orbs, making them all lose their hopes and dreams. All light orbs gathered in the pendant and Calypso laughed an evil laugh as the cures was stunned in shock.

To be continued...

Ninja light Pretty cure.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن