Lost kitten? The cure's fluffy action

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In the town Hashinto on a Saturday was Kyoko and Aoi walking with the fairies in their purses. They where gonna go shopping some new clothes and accessories. "How about we buy some cool sunglasses. We could wear them when we're pretty cure." Kyoko said fantasizing about her and Aoi in their cure forms with sunglasses. Aoi just smiled at her friends crazy ideas. "I think they would make it harder for us to fight." Aoi said and Kyoko thought about it. "You're right. But it would have been cool." She said and Aoi shook her head giggling.

They found cute dresses and payed before walking through the town. Just then they heard a small sound. "Meow." They heard and looked around confused. "What was that?" Aoi wondered. Kyoko listened and followed the sound, and right then she saw a little kitten. "Aww. It's so cute." She said and picked it up. Aoi's eyes sparkled when she saw the kitten. "Oh my goodness. So cute." She said and petted it.

"But where is it's owners?" Aoi then asked and Kyoko looked around. "It must have ran away. But we'll take care of it untill we find it's owners." She said and Aoi nodded. They walked home to Kyoko and told her parents about it. And thankfully they let them take care of it, even Aoi's parents let them. In Kyoko's room flew the fairies out and looked at the kitten. "It's so cute-yi." Yinsy said and petted the kitten while Yangso looked away, acting tough. "It's cute-ya. But I like more dangerous stuff-ya." He said.

Aoi smirked at him and gave him a small pet on his head. "Aww. Are you embarrassed of showing that you like cute stuff?" She said and Yangso blushed in embarrassment. The others laughed while the kitten stroke against Yangso who smiled. 

The next day was both girls and fairies setting up missing posters for the kitten. The kitten was even with them in Kyoko's purse next to Yinsy. They asked around but no one knew about the cat. "I don't understand. We asked around everywhere. Even where we found the kitten." Kyoko said. "Maybe it comes from another town." Aoi suggested and they both thought about it. The closest town was two hours on foot away.

"No it's to far. Poor little kitten. It's probably missing it's owners so bad." Kyoko said imagining the kitten looking at a picture of random people and crying while she hugged it. "We'll find them. I just know it." Aoi said snapping Kyoko out of her thoughts. "Don't give up -yi." Yinsy added. "It's gonna be okay-ya." Yangso said and Kyoko smiled before nodded determined. "Let's keep going." She said and they all smiled and split up.

Meanwhile in the darkened kingdom was Carlos walking up to Calypso. "My queen. I'm ready for my next mission." He said and Calypso looked at him serious. When he saw this he froze. "You have lost many times against some teenage girls. I don't think you're fit for this job anymore. It'll be easy for me to destroy you." She said coldly and Carlos kneeled before her. "Please my queen. I promise you. I won't lose this time." He pleaded and Calypso sighed.

"Fine. But remember. This is your final chance. If you lose, then you know what happens." Calypso said and Carlos nodded before teleporting away.

The girls meet up in the park and sat down. "It's hard to believe no one even lied about the kitten being theirs." Aoi said sighing. "Well our town is full of honest people. Just feel so bad for the kitten. It's lost and the owners are gone." Kyoko said hugging the kitten who meowed. Aoi smiled at her friend. So full of love and big heart. "Well. If we don't find the owners. Then it needs a new home. And you would be perfect." She said and Kyoko looked at her confused before smiling at the kitten.

A dog was playing fetch with it's owner and had fun. Carlos was in a tree and looked at it as a golden light appered around it. He smiled and jumped down the tree, only to land on his face. "Here's my chance." He said and took up a dark pendant with a round hole in the middle. "Lights out!" He said and a golden light orb flew out of the dog and into the pendant, making it's eyes darken.

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