A big celebration! A friendship full day.

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Kyoko was in her kitchen making something secret. Yinsy flew onto her shoulder and looked a little confused. "What are you doing-yi?" She asked and Kyoko smiled at her. "It's my and Aoi's three year friendship anniversary. Three years since we became best friends." Kyoko said and thought back to when she and Aoi first meet.

Flashback three years ago..

Twelve year old Kyoko was running to the school gate. She had overslept and was going to be late. "Stupid alarm clock! Why can't you ring the time you're suppose to." She said while still running.

As she was right at the gate, she bumped into someone and they both fell on the ground. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to run into you." Kyoko heard someone say and looked to see a girl her age. "It's okay. I'm used to it. I was late for school." She said and stood up. "But school starts in half an hour." The other girl said and Kyoko froze. She then rubbed the back of her neck embarrassed.

"Guess I stressed over nothing." She laughed as the other girl laughed too. "I'm Aoi Tojo. Nice to meet you." The girl named Aoi said and Kyoko shook her hand. "Kyoko Hanako. It's nice to meet you too." She said and both smiled at eachother.

End of flashback..

Kyoko smiled at the memories and continued. "So beautiful-yi. But what are you making-yi?" Yinsy said. "I'm baking a chocolate cupcakes with strawberry frosting. It's her favorite." Kyoko answered and put the cupcake mould in the oven before starting to clean up. "This is gonna be the best anniversary ever. Because you and Yangso is here to celebrate." She said and hugged Yinsy who smiled and hugged back.

Meanwhile was Aoi wrapping something as Yangso flew over to her. "What's that-ya?" He asked and Aoi turned to him with a smile. "It's a special present for Kyoko. For our three year friendship anniversary." She answered and continued to wrap the present. "When did you become best friends-ya?" Yangso asked and Aoi smiled as she remembered.

Flashback three years ago...

Twelve year old Aoi was walking outside to the schoolyard looking for a place to eat her lunch. She was still nervous on her first day and didn't know what to do. Just then someone tapped her shoulder and she turned around. There stood Kyoko with a big smile. "Hi Aoi. Wanna eat lunch together?" She asked and Aoi nodded with a smile.

They sat down under a cherry blossom tree and started to eat their lunch. Aoi then thought a little about Kyoko. How she was so nice to her. "Hey Kyoko." She said and Kyoko turned to her. "What is it?" Kyoko asked. "Why are you so nice to me? We just meet." Aoi said and Kyoko thought a little.

"Well. I like to make others smile. And I would never leave a friend." She said and Aoi's eyes widend. "You see me as a friend?" She asked and Kyoko smiled. "Yes. We already get along. So we're friends. Unless you wanna be my best friend." She answered and Aoi smiled big and nodded. "I would love to." She said and both girls linked their pinkies. "Best friends forever!" They said and laughed.

End of flashback..

Aoi finished the present with a bow and smiled. "It was the best day ever." She said and Yangso nodded. "And it seems like you've grown during the time-ya." He said and Aoi nodded before embracing him in a hug.

In the darkened kingdom was Amane walking through the castle thinking. "Those pretty cure is very skilled and strong. But I won't let down my guard. They're kids after all." She thought and then smirked. "I will not let some kids defeat me." She said and teleported away.

Kyoko and Aoi meet up in the park with their gifts behind their backs. "Happy three year friendship anniversary!" They both yelled and exchanged gifts. Aoi opened her gift and saw her favorite cupcakes. "My favorite. Thank you." Aoi said and hugged Kyoko. "You're welcome. Now what is this?" Kyoko said and was about to open her gift when Aoi stopped her. "Wait. You can open it at the end of the day." She said and Kyoko smiled. "Ok. Saving the best gifts to last is always fun." Kyoko said smiling.

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