New Guild

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Chapter One Hundred & Eighteen:
New Guild

The next day the colosseum was booming with cheer as a large crowd of wizards and non magical folk sat within their seats most of the citizens brought cardboard cut outs which were painted with the guild they wanted to win, most of them being Sabertooth.

People had let go of millions of balloons which floated in the air which was blue there wasn't so many clouds and thankfully no rain something that everyone was pleased about.

"The bing day is finally here folks the Grand Magic Games will be getting underway shortly this is going to be a great year to remember!" Chapati spoke through the microphone from the judges stand along with two others by his side.

Chapati a middle aged short man, thin and pale-skinned. His smooth face is unusual, square and very big when compared to his small eyes, thin eyebrows, nose, mouth and chin, all close together and located in the middle of the face. He seemed to be wearing a neatly combed black one.

In one of the tunnels was FairyTail Erza, Natsu, Cobra, Elfman, Gray and the cloaked male who was leaning against the wall hearing the loud cheering from outside made everyone surprised at how many people attended just to watch.

"Wow would you listen to that crowd" Erza stated

"This city's full of wizards from all over the country of course folks would want to see them in action" the ice make wizard added.

Natsu who had his hand on his hip huffed as he looked down at his clothes "purple is so lame I'd rather wear my regular clothes instead of this crap"

Erza and Gray smirked "you won't hear me complaining I think they're adorable" the requipped wizard stated truthfully.

"And comfortable, 'skin tight'" Gray added only for Cobra to inform the ice make wizard that he was practically Naked but he had to admit Purple did suit him since he was the poison dragon slayer.

Elfman let out an sound of defeat gaining the group attention "uh I don't really care about the colour but I doubt I can squeeze into this thing" the Strauss male stated as he held up a tint frilly purple dress.

"HAHAHA! THAT SI HILARIOUS!!" The fire dragon and Poison dragon both burst out into laughter seeing how small the dress was compared to the gigantic male.

"Did you spend those three months bench pressing a mountain range?" Gray asked though Elfman could hear the teasing tone in his voice which made the Strauss male more annoyed.

"She's the one who should be standing here with the rest of you not me..... you think she'll be alright?" Elfman asked his guildmates who were merely silent at his question as they too didn't know wether they were indeed okay.

Yet it wasn't long until Happy count them informing the group that Wendy, Carla AND Lumi were in the hospital wing. The cloaked male clenched his hands into fists hearing that his chosens friend was injured and as soon as Polyesta came and Wendy informed that she had been attacked within the palace gardens maze he immediately walked out followed by the others.

The group found themselves once again standing in the tunnel thei eyes hardened "the person who attacked Wendy, do you think they're taking part in the games as welll?" Natsu asked ,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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