17. Searching Pt. 01

Start from the beginning

The reason Sonic didn't involve anyone in this, and will probably continue to be this way is because he doesn't want anyone to worry about him. It's not a pride thing, it's just he wants people to be happy and no one can be happy if they're busy worrying about him.

"Sonic..." Amy whispers as she hides her face against her knees, "-you idiot..."


"I can find him, Rouge!" Tails stubbornly responds, not once glancing at the worried bat next to him.

Rouge places her hand on top of the fox's, firmly gripping it to stop him. She waits for him to look at her before she starts. She can see how red his eyes are, the poor thing didn't even try to sleep at all. "You're working yourself senseless, kiddo."

Tails narrows his tired eyes at the spy. He doesn't care about the luxury of sleep right now. His brother needs help. "Rouge, I'm fi-" He feels a sharp blow to the back of his neck before his world goes black.

Rouge quickly catches the young teen, making sure that he doesn't hit the keyboard before glaring at the hedgehog. "Shadow! What is wrong with you?!"

Said hedgehog looks from Rouge to the fox. "You know he's stubborn, just like that idiot is."

"Even so," she sees Shadow pick Tails up and head towards to the couch, intending to let him sleep there. "-there was no need to do that."

"You trying to coax wasn't working, now was it?" Shadow asks as he glances to the side, seeing Rouge take a seat at the computer to give a shot at trying to find where the missing hero is.

Last night was terrible for him. He hadn't been given any more instructions of what to do after the blue rose was placed on the dresser, but he just kept replaying what happened over and over in his head. The biggest thing he's been racking his brain on is why Sonic? First Mephiles and now some insane stalker wants Sonic, but why? What did that idiot do to grab their attention? Sure, he's a showoff but that shouldn't be enough to make people to start wanting him.

The other thing bothering Shadow is the fact that the stalker even thinks Shadow wants to touch Sonic. That's ridiculous. So, he may have had a slight interest in him a few years back, but things happened. Life went on and that passed, so why the hell would he even want to touch Sonic now?

Those feelings disappeared a long time ago, he knows they did.

Angel Island: 9:42 a.m.

Near the bottom of the Master Emerald Alter does a warp ring portal open, allowing both Knuckles and Sonic to walk through before it closes. They both continue to laugh from their previous banter about who actually won their last sparring session.

Knuckles places a hand on his head and shakes it, a chuckle leaving his lips. He then looks towards the younger to see him stretch his legs, making Knuckles roll his eyes as a grin adorns his face. "So, that Zero guy. You just met him?"

Sonic shifts his weight to the right before lowering himself down to stretch his left leg. "Nah, I met him three years ago."

Knuckles crosses his right arm over his chest, stretching his triceps. "Well, yeah, that makes sense. A lot happened three years ago." He gets a chuckle from his blue friend as he switches arms, feeling the muscles being stretched. "How'd you guys meet?"

The speedster stands up and lifts a leg behind him to stretch his hamstring. "Wow, didn't take you to be the nosey type."

Red shoulders shrug before Knuckles shakes his wrist, wanting to loosen his hands up. "Just curious."

"What?" Sonic waits until the echidna looks at him before he gives the older a smug look. "Jealous that I stayed with him last night and not you?"

Knuckles blinks twice before he just stares at the hedgehog. He rolls his eyes again and just scoffs at the other. "Puh-lease. I have better things to do than to deal with you all night."

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