While her own magic made her half insane, this terrified her.

Imani had lived in the cracks of society for long enough that she'd become an expert on spotting danger. This guy would kill, or had killed, without batting an eye—and he was smart; brilliant, probably. Everything in Imani said to run.

"Does anyone else want to choose now?" Saevel demanded, arms out, inviting. "My brother and I would be happy to—"

Two others pointed their wands and shouted as they ran forward.

A brutal blow to their bodies awaited, but this time it was Saevel. He roared, and Imani watched in horror as his body tore itself into a bear's form. Standing on its hind legs, the bear eclipsed the witch, stretching over fourteen feet tall.

Rearing up and veering around, its mouth opened in a feral snarl, showing off long, pointed teeth.

The witches hit him with powerful magic, but it did nothing. Then, finally, its paw swung around in defense, and the magic disappeared. She'd heard a rumor that the powerful royal shifter family was impervious to magic, but she incorrectly found it too unbelievable even to consider it valid.

A sinking feeling of defeat settled in her stomach.

Stalking toward the first man, the animal's massive paw slashed across the witch's body, claws gutting him, dumping blood and his insides onto the dirt. The other witch pummeled more magic at the Heir, trying to stop him.

But he couldn't.

The witch screamed, his back arching and thrashing while the bear ripped him apart. Bones crunched as he crushed both witches—and Imani watched their blood and guts smash into the gravel. Over and over, Saevel batted their bodies, destroying them into the ground. It was like he'd slammed them with a thousand bricks.

Crunch, crack. Blow, crack. Saevel didn't stop. She knew nothing about the Dark Kingdom breeds, but the prince's shift reminded her of an animal she'd read about in a book. Werebeast shifters populating Niflheim made her stomach churn.

With another fierce growl booming in the courtyard, Saevel's body blurred again, swirling with his shifter magic. Finally, he stood panting, sweat gleaming on his brow, the only sign he'd changed forms.

Saevel curled his lip in distaste, and he motioned to the remains.

"Clean it up," he demanded to his brother, eyes promising violence if he didn't.

Kiran merely shrugged at the statement. But then, like a good little lapdog, he did what he was told.

"All of you on your knees," the Niflheim Heir ordered.

Everyone shuffled to the ground but one. Imani turned over her shoulder to see the Satyr shifter from Esa's group. He was an eight-mark but not a master.

Kiran sighed, a loud dramatic sound. "We'll kill them all by the end of today at this rate," he muttered, too low for most breeds to hear.

"He bends the knee or dies," Saevel shouted.

"Well, you heard your future king." Kiran pointed to the ground with a flourish. "Let's go, horse face."

The Satyr shifter didn't move.

Kiran motioned again, impatient. "You'll get to die soon enough. Today will be such a bore if you force me to do it now."

After hesitating for a second, the shifter dropped to his knees. Kiran clapped loudly, his face a giant grin again.

Saevel crossed his arms. "Now that you're all bowing to your true sovereign, my brother is going to bind you to take our Assessments," he announced.

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The Elf Witch |Book 1|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora