Chapter 18

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Everything around them seemed to gleam as the aristocracy ushered in a new year.

Enduring that meal made her sick, but a different hunger gnawed at her.

So, Imani lingered alone at the edge of the room, hiding from everyone.

Aidan and Nida were dancing together. With her arms up, Nida tipped her head back and shut her eyes, dancing as if she didn't care about the Assessments or her bastard of a tether. The nymph synced perfectly with her heartmate, and moonlight from the windowed ceiling gleamed off her green gown. She was gorgeous, and Imani wondered why half of Stralas hadn't already fallen in love with her.

A feeling of being watched caused her to stiffen. Then, with a quick darting glance over her shoulder, she stifled a groan.

Tanyl stood behind her, his face contemplative.

Imani didn't know much about Tanyl outside of his reputation, but tonight, a side contradicting the rumors came out. He stood on dangerous ground with his sovereign and defended magic. His fortitude to stand up against such ignorance from his powerful mother was something she couldn't take without snarling, but he argued with her like a king.

What lurked beneath the surface of the seemingly superficial, rakish prince?

Maybe nothing. Maybe Tanyl was just an incapable, spoiled child trying to sit at the adult table.

None of that meant she was interested in answering more of his suspicious questions.

After letting him wait a moment, Imani turned around and arched her brow. That weariness, that weight lingered in his eyes, and he lifted his chin at her. "Come," he silently said.

Could she deny the Heir Apparent? Perhaps. Curiosity got the best of her, though. Without speaking, he led her up the grand staircase to the railing overlooking the atrium.

The second floor was dark and nearly empty of people compared to the crowd below.

A star vaulted across the sky when Imani leaned over the railing and looked up. Explosions of light shone overhead like stars shattering. The glass ceiling shone brighter and closer than any she'd seen before.

Unlike the destructive mess of lightning that erupted with the Fabric event, these eloquent multi-colored stars exploded, danced, and volleyed across the sky in a beautiful, dream-like movement that captivated her.

Imani's breath lodged in her throat as the massive display kept bursting.

"You seem more interested in watching," he murmured. "And there's a much better view of the fireworks up here."

As if on cue, several more went off overhead. Imani craned her neck more to gaze in wonder, and a flare of warmth filled her chest. Tanyl probably wanted to get her into bed, and only a fool would think otherwise, but the kindness still tugged at her a bit, much to her cold heart's chagrin.

"Fireworks," she murmured, committing the name to her memory. "Shouldn't you be down there basking in adoring attention? A bit scandalous for you to be seen up here with me, alone."

"If anyone is receiving adoring attention tonight, it's the only female High Norn Elf in attendance." Desire painted his features as he stared, letting his eyes roam over her low-cut dress. Imani could see her magic wrapping around him.

Without it, he'd be paying her no mind. She couldn't find the energy to care, though.

"Your mother's attention was the opposite of adoring," she said, returning his gaze with her own perusal. Away from any audience, his face had a boyish charm she appreciated.

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