004. I wish that I had Gareth's Girl.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Only to spare your conscience. You knew he was going behind my back, and none of you told me. You facilitated it instead. Now get the fuck out of my house. I never want to see or talk to any of you again." I said, devastated.

"You don't mean that... El please." Eddie begged.

"Oh I mean it. I'm not only divorcing Gareth, I'm divorcing all of you. We were never friends. It's obvious we weren't." I said.

Eddie approached me then, trying to coax me into an embrace and I backed away from him, shaking my head.

"Don't touch me. Just get out." I said, tired.

"We are friends, we always have been." Eddie said, desperately.

"A friend doesn't sleep with me and then insists that I choose his best friend." I said.

"You chose him." He argued.

"Because you clearly didn't want me." I snapped.

"Would you have picked me, El?" Eddie asked.

"What I would have done doesn't matter now. And it never will, because I never want to see or speak to you again." I said.

"If you could go back, and I didn't say what I did.... Would you have chosen me?" Eddie asked, pressing further.

"I'd have chosen you above everyone. It wouldn't have even been a choice. You made it a choice. And then made that choice for me. I liked both of you. I liked you more but after that night, I figured it was just one last hoo-rah for you to see if you were missing out on anything and then you let me go. If I could go back right now, I'd take back the day I ever met any of you." I said, intending to be spiteful.

I needed him to get my point and fast.

"I told you, it was the best night of my life. Nothing has ever come close to that." Eddie insisted.

"Why tell me I had a choice to make then?" I asked.

"Why ask me to choose?" I continued.

"Because I was a kid and I was stupid to even make you." Eddie admitted.

"It wasn't all you." I said, as he looked at me with an expression of hope.

"I was stupid enough to listen to you. I was a stupid kid too. But I'm not a kid anymore, and I want you to leave." I said.

"You don't want to see me again?" He asked.

"You heard me loud and clear, Munson. I don't want to see you again. Any of you." I said, with a steel, cold resolve.

"I don't want it to be like this, none of us do." Eddie said, with a tone of pleading.

"Your best friend is a dick. He did what he did, and you stood by and watched. Who needs enemies, with friends like you?" I asked, coolly.

He was sad then, really sad. I could tell by his eyes.

My words had cut him, as I'd intended them to.

He needed to see what his part in all of this had done.

I'd thought we were friends, all of us.

But friends don't lie.
Friends don't keep things from you.

Gareth had done enough of that during the ten years we were married.

And here I was now, 28 years old and staring into the eyes of the person I would have chosen.

Who I felt betrayed by the most.

I'd given him my virginity.
And he'd repaid that by giving me a choice I shouldn't have had to make.

Eddie Munson - A Collection of One-Shots!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ