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We left Aguni leaning on a tree behind.
I don't care what's happening to him, but when I can safe that school girls life I do.

We're in the middle of Tokyo again, just walking around.

„What's your plan? How do you want to kill him" she asked
I actually didn't thought of a plan seems like I'm going to freestyle that.

Before I could come up with an answer to that girls question a shot rang through the streets.

„That wasn't the king.. he would have shot more then once right?" the girl asked
„No it can't be him his airship isn't here. Let's take a look." I answer and walk towards where the shot came from.

We round a corner only to see Niragi and Arisu pointing their guns at each other.
„What is going on here?" I scream into their direction.

Both turn to look at me and I wish I could wipe that stupid smirk of Niragis face.

„Murasaki- you're alive." Arisu stutters and for the first time I realise how close he got to me.
I messed up with rule number one I really did made friends here.

„Long time no see Murasaki." Niragi says chuckling.
„Why are you still here?" I asked while my eyes turned into slits.

„I'm still here too." I heared a familiar voice coughing from the ground.
I turn to look to see Chishiya laying on the ground.

„You know him?" the school girl asked.

Without answering I ran towards Chishiya and dropped to the ground.

„What happened?" I asked him, my voice shaking and my palms covering his wound.
„It's fine he missed my vital organs."

I put pressure on the wound to try and stop the bleeding only for him to cover my hands with his.

I look up into his face and see him giving me a soft smile.
It's not like the ones he gave me before it seems like the world around us stopped and we only focus on each other.

I see that glimmering in his eyes and for the first time I could read his emotions, the emotions he tried to hide for so long.

If the time and place were just on our side.

Because in the next second I hear another shot blasting through the air.
The hid of the bullet makes me fall forward and I can barely put my hands on the ground before my face hits the ground.

„You thought you two could get a happy ending?" I hear Niragi screaming in the distance.

I see Chishiyas wide eyes when he sat up and put his arms around me to drag me behind the car.

I couldn't make out much when my breath hitched and I started splitting blood.

All I could focus on was Chishiya trying to cover my wound.
My hoodie was blood covered seems like the bullet went straight through my stomach.

Tears poured out of my eyes and I put my hands on Chishiya cheeks.

He finally looks up at me and didn't focus on the wound for a second.
I can make out the panic in his eyes and when his lips moved I couldn't understand a single word.

Out of nowhere we were covert in shadows and when both Chishiya and I looked up we saw the king of spares airship.

It's over.
If he would have just listened to himself and sticked to rule number one to no get attached, maybe he could leave me behind.

The panic in his eyes got bigger when he looked at me again I couldn't bring myself to say anything so the only thing I mouthed to him was ‚go'.

I still couldn't understand a thing but when his lips moved in that familiar way I could make out the ‚I love you'.

And that's what I held onto when my hands got to heavy to lay on his face and dropped next to me.
When I could make out Arisu, Usagi and that school girl running towards us in the corner of my eyes.

And then I fell into pure darkness.

Love without Borders - Chishiya ffWhere stories live. Discover now