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I come to a stop in front of the cafeteria doorway.

„You think I should punish them for betraying me?"
„You don't want to?" he asked, eyes widening

„Don't you think I should punish you too? You wanted to kill me too?"
„I just saved your life I think we are quid." he answers

„Quid? Maybe you just use me because you are the jack of hearts."
„As much as I know, you could be the jack too but I still saved your life."

He didn't gave me time to response before he walked through the doorway.

I hate men.

I let out a long breath and walked into the room too.
It seems like everything around me stopped, everyone looked in my direction.

A small smirk pulled on my lips and I walked over to sit next to Chishiya again with my head held high.

It didn't took long for the blue dress girl to come over to us.

„You are the jack! Aren't you?" she screamed angrily.
„Me? I didn't tried to kill anyone now did I?"

When she didn't answered I started speaking up louder to the other people in the room to hear us:„ I mean it's a bit sus that you already killed one person and now you tried to kill me without evidence? I think you are the jack."

„I- I'm not!" she looked around uncomfortably and the other players seem to realise too.

She took big steps back to her group and they started arguing.

„That was your great revenge? I thought you would go bigger." Chishiya scoffed
„Oh- I just killed the whole group, their trust is broken. Give them five rounds and all of them are dead."

Chishiya looked at me but I didn't dared to look back at him.
They don't kill each other I'm the one who kills these people.

There's only one jack and I don't think it's the blue dress girl nor anyone of their group.


As predicted in the next five rounds the whole group plus some other people died.
We're only seven people left and I don't trust one of them.

We're currently in the central guardroom, where the game first started.
The mood is weird, everyone is exhausted.

The yellow T-shirt guy called Ippei was sitting on the ground while his whole body was shaking.
I kneeled down next to him.

„You need to come down, we came so far, the game is almost finished."
„Finished? For what so we can play another and another game?" he says while tears start streaming down his face.

„Ippei? We need to keep fighting."
„I don't know if I can." his breathing comes out uneven and I can feel the tears forming in my eyes.

I quickly look up before ma tears can fall, only to make eye contact with Chishiya.
The timer says we have five minutes left till we need to go into a cell again, but we already told us our answers minutes ago.

If Ippei dies I need to put my whole trust into Chishiya.

But Ippei is to pure to be in this world, if he doesn't want to stay alive I can't convince him to stay.

Please go into your cells" the voice from the speakers says.


I opened my cell door again only to see everyone expect from Ippei.

I shared a look with Chishiya and together we went to Ippeis cell.
When I couldn't pull my eyes away from his lifeless body Chishiya took my hand and lead me away.

We didn't went back to the guardroom instead we walked into the cafeteria again.

How can he think of eating now?

We sat down near the corner where no one could see us, but instead of doing nothing and give me the silent comfort he pulled my into a hug.

I took me a moment to relax and neither of us said anything.

After we pulled away from each other we sat in the darkness for a while.
Unexpectedly I was wrong Chishiya couldn't eat right now but two other participants could.

They didn't seem to realise we are here but both of them choose the same cookies and shared a few whispers.

„That was weird right?" I asked Chishiya
„They always choose the same cookies, the cookies have the card symbol logo on it..."

„You can't stop observing huh?"
He didn't payed attention to what I said and just stand up.

„You think one of them is the jack?" I asked also standing up
He just nod his head as a yes.

„Then let's wait till one of them dies?" I said.

„It's a diamond" he says
„Yours too" I answer.


As expected the woman died the next round and we revealed the jack of hearts.

„Your coming? We should keep staying together maybe we find the rest?" Chishiya questioned hopefully
„I don't think that's a good idea." I answered honestly

„What do you mean?"
„I don't think I can keep doing this Chishiya. Keep playing to get answers at some point?"

„How else do you want to get answers?" he scoffs
„I still have days left till my visa runs out. Playing games does not gives us answers, then I need to try and find someone who can."

„How do you wanna do that?"
„That's none of your business I just don't wanna keep playing with you that's it!"

„You're scared to die? That's it?" he turns around and walks away
„I just can't stand to watch people I care for die over and over again alright!"

Man this chapter is shitty but I literally had three doctor appointments and spend one night in the hospital this week so I'm sorry for barely updating.
I try to give you guys better chapters in the future :/ still if you enjoyed reading this chapter don't forget to vote :)

Love without Borders - Chishiya ffWhere stories live. Discover now