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I rush after Usagi into the room, hearing footsteps behind me.
Arisu is laying on the ground eyes covered and strapped to the chair.

Usagi rushed over and kneels next to him on the ground.
Chishiya and I share an awkward glance at each other while seeing them hugging.

Usagi frees Arisu and to give them some privacy I turn around and so does Chishiya.

„So why did you came back?" I asked him without looking at him.
„The games not over yet." Chishiya answers.

„You could just hide somewhere."
„And put the responsibility in your hands." he snickered.

I turn to face him only to see him smirking at me.

„How did you got the keys?" I asked again.
„You already asked that-„ he got cut off.

Both of us turned around again.

„What is he doing here?" Arisu asked still breathing hard but now standing on his feet.
„We don't have time for that, we are all still alive but the time is running out" I say while pointing at my phone.

„This is a heart game it's not working that way, it plays with your emotions!" Arisu argues.
„Well we still only have minutes left so if you have a plan tell us." I say

„You need time to think? We don't have that time?"
„If you scream at him like that Murasaki he's not going to find a answers faster." Usagi says softly while putting her hand on Arisus shoulder.

„If you want to spend your last minutes being all lovey dovey that's fine with me. I'm going to find the witch myself-„ I look around again only to realise that Kuina still is missing:„and Kuina."

Without waiting for an response I turn and leave the room.
I'm in the corridor and the door closes behind me which causes me to look back only to see Chishiya again.

„What are you doing?" I asked.
„You think I want to see them being lovey dovey?" he replied a smirk pulling at his lips.

„Funny. But I don't need your help." I say ready to turn around again.
„Mhh so you know your way around at this place." he asked sarcastically the smirk fully showing on his face now.

I grunt, tilting my head to the ceiling for a second.
When I looked down again I let out a long breath.
Why am I doing this to myself? I shouldn't have ended up here at the first place.

„Fine." I take a step backwards almost hitting the wall behind me:„Show the way Chishiya."
He let out a small chuckle while walking in one direction, so I follow him.

„Where are we even going? You don't even know where the witch or Kuina is, do you?"
„No" he answers honestly

„So what are we doing? Are we going back to the surveillance room or-„ I stopped talking as soon as I saw Ann passed out infront of a door the witches knife in her hand.

I looked around before stepping closer in Anns direction.
Chishiya follows close behind me.

I see the wound on her head and kneel down to check her pulse.

„She's alive." I say and look up to Chishiya again, but his eyes were on the knife.

I turn my head in direction knife too.

„Are these finger prints?" I asked while carefully picking up the knife.
„Seems like it."

„But does that mean-„
„Yeah momoka stabbed herself."

„15 minutes remaining" we hear through our phones.

„We need to find the others and burn momokas body." I tell him

He opened his mouth ready to speak but before he could bring out a word we heard sounds coming from the big hall.

I was ready to go into the direction of the sounds but Chishiyas hand grabbed mine.

„What are you doing? We need to tell the others about the new informations."
„The second we walk into that hall we get shot." he replied.

„So what is your plan?" I asked.
He dropped the knife and pulled me after him.

We reached the second floor with a good sight over the big hall.
And we saw Arisus blood covert face from getting hit by Aguni multiple times.

„What is going on?" I asked Chishiya while my eyes are widening.
„They are going to kill him, obviously."

„I AM THE WITCH." Aguni screams, letting go of Arisu and just throwing him away.

I turn to look at Chishiya while slightly tilting my head.
„I was wrong once in a lifetime, don't look at me like that." Chishiya says, he wanted to point at me but both of us only realised then that our hands were still connected.

„I didn't said anything." I pointed out while pulling my hand away from his grip.

Both of us watched how the situation escalates without interrupting.
After a while Ann and Kuina walked in tho and confirmed Arisus statement with the knife.

„I wondered how you were able to survive so many games but now I get it, you let other people get their hands dirty and do nothing. I overestimated you Chishiya." I scoffed ready to walk away.

„You think so?" he replies way to close to me.
So I turn around again.

„You did enough don't you think? We can quit working together now the game is over. If you leave me alone I might also forgive you for almost killing me."

A gun fired again so we both stopped in our tracks and looked over the railing again.

I look at Chishiya.

„What did you do?" I asked eyes widening
„I did my hands dirty." he answers revering to my latest statement.

„Seems like you didn't did it right. He's still alive." I say kind of smiling at him for saying such a line so proud of himself only for my words to come crushing down on him.

Now he's the one to scoff.
We watch Aguni running into Niragi  and they both disappear in the fire.

„Maybe I should spend more time with you indeed, I like doing nothing the whole time." I say sarcastically while winking at him.

His catish features turned into something different like he's amused and annoyed at the same time.
While he's normally just annoyed.

Love without Borders - Chishiya ffWhere stories live. Discover now