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The hatter keeps talking about the game he's starting tomorrow because his visa runs out.
After some time I feel eyes on me, so I turn to look at that grey jacket guy who's staring at me.

After a few seconds I break the eye contact tho, and focus on the hatter again.

When the meeting is over the hatter invites Arisu to his room.
Arisu looks at me unknowingly.
„Have fun I guess" I reply shoulder shruggened.

So he follows the hatter out of the meeting room.
I don't want to spend more time then necessary with these people so I make my to the exit as well, only to get stopped.
„You know I've never actually introduced myself,"he says while pulling the hand out of his sweater:„my name is Chishiya."

I look at his hand and then into his eyes without moving even a tiny bit.
After he got the clue he puts his hand bag into his sweater pocket.

„Nice to meet you Chishiya, I would advise you to watch out from now on." with that I bump into his shoulder and make my way out of the door through the exit.
Only to hear laugher from behind me, „first time trying to flirt, Chishiya? Didn't turned out so well huh?" I can hear Niragi say.

I can hear footsteps behind me even after I entered the corridor in front of the big meeting room.
„What the fuck do you want?" I asked while coming to an stop and turning around.

„How about I help you out?" Chishiya answers
„I don't need your help and as if you were use for anything important" I scoff, starring him right into his eyes.

Only now I can feel his close presence so I take a step backwards.
„I've watched you, you don't want to be here, well me neither." Chishiya argued.

„If you don't want to be here then leave I don't care." I grunted not carrying what else he has to say.
I turn on my heel again only to see the hatter and Arisu vanishing behind a corner.

What would Arisu do?
I still have four days here, I should help Arisu while destroying Chishiya.

When I don't move for a few seconds, still turned away from Chishiya he takes it as a sign and speaks up again.
„So you do think about it" he says while chuckling slightly.

„Yeah when we talk about leaving we should do it somewhere else don't you think?" I questioned looking over my shoulder smirking.

He tilts his head slightly and starts smirking too, which causes me too fully turn myself in his direction again.
„You're not mad at me for what I did weeks ago right?" he scuffs.

„Don't think you have such a big impact on me, for me to remember your face for weeks" I snort.

That made him shut up instead of bringing a comeback he just nodded his head and pressed his lips together.

I turn around again and leave Chishiya behind, he shouldn't have provoke me.
I still have four days left enough to make him a traitor.


„So what did you talked about" I asked Arisu who sits next to me on my bed, while Usagi stands on the wall opposite from us.
„Not much just about the rules" he answers while rubbing his palms across his face and takes a deep breath.

„So what are we going to do?" Usagi questioned.
„We should look around a bit and question people" Arisu answered.


After spending hours walking around and asking people what they know about this country, I still don't know more then before.
As soon as I see Arisu again, after we split up a walk towards him.

„I don't have anything, do you?"
„No." he sounds as disappointed as me so we just keep walking around, Usagi no where in sight.

We rounded a corner and followed corridor after corridor only to end up at another part of the beach.

„I wasn't here before, but it seems like here aren't any people let's go back." I say and link our arms together ready to drag us away until we hear a gun shots.

We look at each other, his eyes full of fear same as mine.
We make our way to the nearest wall to look around the corner only to see armed men.

As soon as they left we make our way over to where the men were.
Only seeing flys flying around a blue container.

I look at Arisu only to see him taking a step in direction container.
„What are you doing Arisu!" I whisper.

Without warning he pulls the plane away, revealing tons of dead body's.

„You've found out" both Arisu and I startle and look behind us only to find Chishiya and another girl behind us.
„For fucks sake, what's your problem." I scream at him while clutching my heard.

„Shhh, they are still around here, let's go somewhere else and have a talk shall we."
Arisu and I share another glance at each other, seems like we don't really have another choice.

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