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Happy New year :)
I hope all of you can archive your 2023 goals <3

I get shaken awake, dozing of is kind of a bit habit of mine I guess.
After my eyes adjusted to the light I could make out that Usagi is the person who woke me up.

„Ugh, what do you want?" I asked ready to cover my face with my blanket only for her to pull it away.
„It's about Arisu, he's in danger." Usagi answers.

„What happened? Where is he right now?" I say only to remember that I didn't went to him after being with Chishiya.
„He tried to get the cards, didn't he?" I questioned.

She doesn't responded to that and with that I got my answer.
„Fuck" I growled while sitting up straight.

„How could that happen? He really got caught?" I mumble.
Usagi sat down next to me and looked into her lap.

„What's wrong? He's still alive isn't he, we can still free him right?" I questioned.
„It's not about Arisu, it's about Chishiya, he's the reason Arisu was caught." Usagi mumbled

„Yeah Chishiya planned it but-„ I argued.
„That's not what I'm talking about Murasaki. Chishiya betrayed him, he called the military!"

„What do you mean by he called the military-„ I got cut of by a random guy part of the military storming into the room.
„A game started come on guys" he said
„We still have a few days left it's fine-„

„No, no you don't understand you two are already in. „The beach" is the game arena."


Everyone came together in the big hall and took a phone.

Usagi and I go in direction corner to spy on other people.
My eyes widened when I saw a guy with grey hoodie and a girl with dreadlocks walking in realising that they didn't made it out of here in time.

They explained us the rules that we need to find a witch and so on.
I told Usagi to stay here and keep her eyes open to find clues where Arisus location could be.

I rushed after Chishiya and Kuina after sawing them leaving the hall.
Instead of going to their rooms they go on the second for so I tiptoe after them.

„What's your plan Chishiya? Hiding out until the game is over and we can leave? What if we get caught before?" Kuina says.
„No one knows the cards are gone and the military is going to focus on finishing the game first." Chishiya replied.

„Go into the surveillance room, I still have to do something." Cheshiya orders and Kuinas obeys by going into the room.

I peek around the corner until I see him turning around, I press my body into the wall hoping he's not going in this direction.

„Murasaki." Chishiya said as if he could sense I'm here.
I don't reply still hiding around the corner.

„I know, you're there just come out so we can have a normal talk yeah?" he asked.

I round the corner and take steps into his direction, he doesn't take some backwards tho.

The closer I come the angrier I get.
When I'm only inches away I slap him across his face.

When he turns to look at me again, regret glowed in his eyes.
Something I never thought I would see Chishiya related.

„He's not dead- yet. You can still free him" he grunted while touching his face.
„You think you can excuse your actions with that statement of yours?" I questioned.

„Tell me where he is right now and I think about sparring your worthless life." I growled.
„I don't know where he is." he confessed.

Before I can attack him we hear shots.
Both of us turn to look at where the sound came from only to realising it's coming from the big hall.

„If I take you with me, which leads to me saving your life, would you forgive me? He asked.
I looked at him and scoffed:„As if! You would only take me with you to sacrifice me."

We hear footsteps running our way and more shooting.
A mass of people rounded the corner and I squeezed my eyes shut ready to get run over.

Instead of feet running over me I feel an arm sneaking around my waist and pulling me towards them.
I open my eyes again only to see Chishiya and me pressed to the wall while people passed by.

His body way to close to mine so I can feel his body heat through his hoodie.

He pulls me after him to the next door only to push me inside and close the door behind him.

„What happened?" I questioned.
„What do you think happened? A person died and the military has the sources to kill everyone and find the dealer."

I look around only to see that we are in an unused bedroom.

„Well it was nice being here with you, but you know, I need to go." I say while making my way towards him and the door.
„If you open the door right now you're not only killing yourself but me too" Chishiya whisper screams.

„Right because your life is so important to me, you're ridiculous Chishiya. I need to find Usagi and Arisu because of YOU, now move." I demanded.
„I can't let you do that."

„Right... because you could stop me. You're not going to make it out of here alive anyways. Either you die while playing the game or you die by my hands, your decision."

„Oh you wouldn't dare killing me, you don't think I saw the way you looked at me?" Chishiya snickered.
„The way I looked at you," I said outraged:„with pure hatred?"

„Don't give me that attitude woman." Chishiya says leaning against the door while rolling his eyes.
„I'm not staying with you in that room till the game is over." I say while looking at my phone, 2:52 hours left.

„Move!" I growl.
„No, we need to wait a little longer-„ he stopped talking after hearing shootings sounds on the other side of the wall.

„Here's the plan-„ he starts again after a few minutes.
„Not going to follow your plan is my plan." I argue

„Kuina is in the room next to us, there we can check the cams and make a plan to rescue Arisu."
„He wouldn't need to be rescued if it weren't for you." I point out

„Mistakes happen." He replied mumbling.

„I'm leaving now, without you!" I try to shove past him only for him to holding the door with one hand closed and with the other hand gabbing mine.

„If you don't remove your hand right now!-„
„Then what, all you do is threading me Murasaki. It's kind of embarrassing."

My eyes narrow and I try to pull my hand out of his while taking a step backwards.

„You know if you wanted to hold hands you could have just asked? I know you enjoy it." I try manipulating him.
Instead of letting go he tightened his grip.

„You're right" he says while smiling at me sarcastically.
„Urgh, fuck off."

I pulled on my hand harder and harder which only causes me to losing my balance and almost falling.
But Chishiya only moved inches away from the door.

„So you're going to hold my hand till the game is over? That's so nice from you" I say pulling on my hand even more.

The only reason he won't let me leave is because the military could walk around somewhere in the corridor and then they would find him and kill him too.
Selfish Fucker.

„Listen to my plan and we leave and find Arisu. I promise Murasaki." he says smiling sweetly at me.
„You talk as if you promise is worth something Chishiya."

Love without Borders - Chishiya ffWhere stories live. Discover now