• Xiao - It's the thought that counts

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*Birthday special *

Of all the things you could've come up with, preparing the famous Wangshu Inn Almond tofu dish, wasn't the greatest of your ideas. Knowing first hand how low your cooking capacities were, Ganyu was flabbergasted that chef Smiley Yanxiao let you borrow his kitchen for the day

Watching you from a distance, the young half qilin-adeptus watched with worried eyes how her friend run from one side of the kitchen to other 

" Mind I ask what's she's doing?" 

Letting out an exaggerated sigh, Ganyu crossed her arms over her chest before answering " She's  attempting on making Almond tofu" 

" Really? Why is that?"

" It's for Xiao" she replied " For his birthday to be precise " 

" How thoughtful " Zhongli smiled at your figure " Nothing is better than to receive something we like by the person we most cherish"

" As much as I agree with you, I'm afraid this usual tasteful present won't be enjoyable for Xiao" 

Lifting a brow, Zhongli stared at Ganyu who motioned him to come closer. Leaning her way, the blue-haired women whispered the reason for her concern in his ear " Y/n is a terrible, terrible cook" 

Surprised by this news, Zhongli looked back and forth between the two " Are you sure?" he asked " It seems to me that she knows what she's doing. And unless she shambles with the recipe, I'm sure the taste cannot be bad "

" Then it's safe for me to presume you've never tasted any of her dishes, right?" Ganyu looked at him with envy

Shaking his head, Zhongli wouldn't lie that he was now a tad curious about whether or not his friend was lying. Surely they must be dramatizing the situation

" And now the final touch" your beaming voice made the pair look your way. Pouring the Osmanthus syrup on top of the soft, jelly like cubes, you were happy to see the result of the final product. Not only did it look like the picture but judging by the sweet aroma, you could only guess how delicious it must taste 

Normally, you would've taken a bit to confirm but when seeing how low the sun was, you were reminded of an errand you promised to run for chef Yanxiao. That was the agreement you made for letting him borrow his kitchen 

Cleaning your hands and quickly tidying up the place, you rushed past Zhongli and Ganyu " Please look after it while I'm gone!"

Heading out and disappearing down the stairs, Ganyu entered the kitchen area and stopped right in front of the plate with Almond tofu. She had to honest that at first glance, it didn't look terrible at all

The color and smell really resembled that of Almond tofu. But as looks can be deceiving, Ganyu felt a droplet of sweat run down her head when she imagined the taste. Normally she would never voluntarily take a bite but since this dish was specially made for Xiao's birthday, the young women felt obligate to try it

" Don't you think it's rude to touch it" Zhongli addressed Ganyu when seeing her reach for the food with a spoon " Y/n only asked us to watch over it "

" I know that" Ganyu shakily scooped a piece of the sweet, bringing it to her mouth " But if this dish really doesn't taste good, then I can't just stand by and let her serve this to Xiao. It's his birthday. And knowing him, he won't hesitate to eat it all just to not hurt her feelings "

" In other words, you want to prevent him from getting sick?"

" Yes but I also don't want Y/n to feel like she ruined his gift when she takes a bite of her own. She put a lot of energy and time." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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