• Shin Amnesia - Start over

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It pained him, the helpless feeling he felt whenever he saw you. No matter how hard he tried to find a solution to your problem nothing seemed to work. In fact it had the opposite effect. 

You got scared of him

Every one of his attempts made you feel uncomfortable to the point that you got stomach aches. And when you wanted to respectfully decline his offer no words would come out of your mouth because you got intimated by his intense gaze. Well in your eyes it seemed that way. Shin wouldn't actually do that on purpose. It was just his natural stare.

Eventually the fear would be so strong that when he even tried to get close, you ignored him and flee into another direction

Despite this Shin was determined to not give up on you. 


He simply couldn't go on his daily life without the person he had grown to care so much for. The girl who was always there for him during hard times. Wel both you, Toma and Heroine. However between the three of you, the one he felt the most connected to was you.

In the end you where the one he grew feelings for over the course of years

Who would have thought that the day he wanted to tell you would be the same day you got into a terrible accident that nearly cost you your life.

He remembered the sudden panicked phone call from Toma. The blond would frantically tell him how you got hit by a bus and was now getting surgery. Hearing this horrible news his face turned completely pale and his breath got caught up in his throat. He was shivering so much that his hand was barely able to hold his phone. With trembling voice, the first thing he asked was what your condition was. But when Toma told him he wasn't sure he immediately sprinted to the hospital without a second thought

Running throw the white halls all he could think about was you. He ignored the warnings he got and didn't even help a nurse pick up her fills when he caused her to drop them by bumping into her. His mind was a mess, filled with fear and anxiety.

Despite the situation Shin tried his best to stay composed. So when he got to Toma he took a deep breath and tried to act way more relaxed than he was realistically feeling. He saw how his childhood friend held Heroine who cried in his shoulder and attempted to hold his emotions under control while focusing his attention on comforting his girlfriend. But Shin could see clear as day the panic in his eyes. Not only that but his teeth where tightly gritted together and his hands where shaking. 

He frowned and walked towards them. Putting a hand on both their shoulder he gained their attention. The black, red haired boy tried to say something, but no words came out. All he got out was a stern expression and squeezed his friends shoulders softly. As a sign that everything was going to be okey. That was the best he come up with.

He didn't want to use any words in fear that he would break down

The three of them stayed there for hours, waiting for the doctor to come out of the surgery room with good news. And thank the lucky stars that happend.

But their moment of happiness was cut short when they got see you. Because when you regained consciousness and they all started to talk to you in excitement with tears of relief in their eyes, you looked at them confused. And the first words that left your mouth was something that struck hard. Especially to Shin

" Who are you?"

This phrase kept echoing in the back of his head over and over again. And that hadn't changed since then.

Currently in the present time he was watching you from a distance. Together with Toma and Heroine you where out shopping. And you seemed to have a great time. Laughing, talking and even teasing each other. His lips curved up into a small smile. He was happy to see you like this.

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