• Manjiro Sano - Intrigued part 3 final

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" Me joining Toman?" You repeated in disbelief

With Mikey's nod as confirmation, all you could do was stare wide eyed at the blond.

" You don't have to give me answer right away " he reassured you, seeing how shocked you seemed " Think it carefully through because I think you know how our world works. Yet I doubt you'll any problem fitting in"

Many questions circled your mind. Did you really hear it right?

Was Manjiro Sano asking you to become one of his people?

Noticing Mikey checking the time you figured he was about to drop you home.

However you didn't want that. Right now all you desired were answers. Because who knew how long it could possibly take before you guys meet again.

Stomping over to the man you prevented him from turning on his ride by snatching his keys from his hand " Tell me why?"

" Why what?" 

" Is there a reason why you're asking me this? Surely you don't do this without a motive" you narrowed your eyes suspiciously

Mikey chuckled at your sharpness. He didn't expect less from you. 

Getting off his motorcycle he walked past you to go stand near the railing before the river. He let his eyes trail over the view, a city at night covered in lights. It's brightness shimmering onto the surface of the water making it glimmer with beauty

" You remind me of my brother." the boy stated"  He used to be just as reckless as you, jumping into action without thinking straight first."

You didn't know if this was either a compliment or a insult but when you went standing next to him, Mikey side eyed you with his usual smile " And that's a quality I admire"

Your face heated up slightly and you felt a fuzzy feeling float through your body. Staring at your hands you tumbled with your thumbs and took a long sharp breath

" Back then" you started " During elementary and college, I was bullied quite a lot"

Mikey rested his hands in his pocket and listenend to you attentively " I would constantely get picked on. They would kick, punch, slap, bite and do all kinds of hurtful things you can imagine. "

" Why where you targeted?" He tentatively questioned

Sliding your fingers through your H/c locks you let out a soft chuckle " My mother...used to work as a prostitute."

You took a stepforward and leaned with you elbows on the railing " That's how she meet my father and got me. But after getting married my dad had trouble finding a suitable job. And because of that we were always quite tight on money."

" So until then my mother kept her job for our sake. It wasn't the most pleasant work and despite my father being against it, it made good money." You lowered your head, your hair falling in front of your eyes " Eventually my father succeeded in getting a well paid job. But I always kept this a secret. Not because I was embarrassed but this was no ones business."

"So how somebody found out remains a mystery to me" you harden your gaze, irritated that till this day you never knew who made you go through this hell.

The leader of Toman wore no longer a smile, his lips where pursed together in a thin line and his eyes only held sympathy in them.

No he understood why you had defended that girl, she reminded you of your own mother's situation.

" Back then I wasn't strong enough to defend myself" you continued " I only used words as defense material. But that only made things ten times worst. "

" On top of that nobody helped and I can understand why. If you came to the aid of someone who got picked on, then you automatically were signing to get beaten up yourself." you frowned thinking back at the times you laid bruised on the ground while your bullies continued kicking you. 

And in the distance stood your so called friends, staring at you with quivering lips as you begged them for help.

But none made a move

In the end they just turned around and pretended not to see anything

" Though people get bullied everyday around the world, I never want to just stand by and watch. If I can help them in any way" you firmly squeezed your hands together  " Then I'll gladly do it. Even if that means I'll get hurt. I have the strength I need, so I better put it to use" you proudly announced with a toothy smirk

The feeling Mikey had that same night he meet you had now reached its peak. Now, he wasn't only intrigued by your personality. But he was also mesmerized by your beliefs and ideals. Your courage not only remind him of Sinichiro but it also let him think of Takemichi. Specifically the day he was ready to take a hit in order to protect his girlfriend. 

Mikey was now certain he wanted someone like you joining Toman. But the choice was not his to make.

" You have interesting perspectives..." he looked at you, silently asking for your name

" Y/n" you added

" Toman could really use someone like you."

" Even if I'm a girl?" you tilted your head curiously 

" It's true that we don't have other females in our group. So that would make you the first one" he softly smiled " And with your combat skills and personality I think you'll have no problem getting along with the others. Especially with Takemitchy" Mikey informed

Bringing a finger to your lips you thought about it and seriously considered doing it. Not only did it sound cool but you would also have new friends to hang around with. Maybe it was a sad thing to admit but because of your feisty attitude and fascination with street fighting it was rather hard to find people with the same interests as you. 

" Anyway, let's head bac-"

" I'll do it!" you abruptly accepted his offer making Mikey stop in his tracks " I'll join Toman!"

Looking over his shoulder the commander could see the girls certitude of her choice in her E/c hues. He knew then and there that she had fully made up her mind and he wouldn't have to ask for any further confirmation

Shifting his body around he extended his hand for her to take " Let's make it official then"

The H/c haired enthusiastically shook her head and grabbed his hand. Her face flushed slightly red at the warm contact of his skin

" Mad meddler, Y/n, I'm pleased to welcome you in Toman as of this day forward"

The end

- The end

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I'm seriously obsessed with this opening. Anyway hope you enjoyed this little story.

( Editing ) Anime x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now