• Tamaki amajiki - First Experience

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Being in a relationship with one of UA's big three didn't really matter to you. You didn't date him because of his status. You where with him because you admired his strength and personality. And his shyness was never really a problem for you.

Well maybe for one thing...

For the past year that you had been together, you and Amajiki never really did something physically. To put it simple you never kissed. And that was actually starting to bother you.

You loved him and you wanted nothing more than to prove that with a simpel kiss. Heck you where yearning for it. You even had dreams about it.

But every time you brought that up, Amajiki's face would flush red and he became a stuttering anxious mess.

You guys even tried it ones, but he ended up fainting before your lips even made contact.

Since then you didn't bother trying again. You figured that he needed time and eventually it would happen. But for how long remained a mystery...

While you struggled with finding a solution, Amajiki was starting to feel miserable and guilty.

He found it really sweet that you had so much patience with him but he became afraid that you might leave him sooner or later if he didn't kiss you.

He loved you very much and hoped with all his heart that that wouldn't happen. Because even tho he wasn't really used to be in a relationship, he truly treasured every moment with you.

You where his second comfortable place. A place where he could be himself. Both his good and vulnerable side. You never made fun of him in a bad way. Well sometimes you would tease him but he didn't mind. Because he knew you meant it playfully.

" Come on cheer up Tamaki! I'm sure you're worrying over nothing" Mirio patted his back " You and her have been together for so long and she told not to worry about it right?"

Amajiki nodded " Then stop sulking about it. If you two lasted this long without any physical interaction than I'm positive she'll wait till you're ready." Amajiki wished that his best friends words where true, but he wasn't so optimistic. 

Despite being afraid of kissing you he was secretly starting to get interested. Curious on how it would feel. But every time he mustered up the courage it quickly vanished when he began to overthink it. Like how to start, what to do, how much was allowed, what did you expect from him, all those questions filled his mind making him crazy.

" M-Mirio how did you do it?"

" I just did it" Mirio joked

Amajiki let out a groan and slammed his head against the wall

" Alright alright, um..well I can't really tell you how but I remember being alone with Nejire and something just seemed to click. Like the timing and ambience was perfect? If that makes sense.."

Amajiki looked at him from the corner of his eye " Not really "

Mirio's shoulders dropped " Look I know you must be nervous, but you'll know when the time is right. Just trust your instinct. And if you mess it up I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Because you at least tried it, and thats what counts"

Amajiki turned so he didn't fase the wall anymore and smiled gratefully at his friend " Thanks "

Mirios lips curved up into a smile " Now go. Class is over and I thought hers to" he nudged his friend

" R-right, see ya tomorrow " he waved and walked to the exit of the school while texting you on his way


( Editing ) Anime x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now