• Shunsuke Otosaka - Care

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" You've only got one more change left?" Kumagami asked, voice laced with concern

" Unfortunatly yes" The grey haired clenched his hands together " After that I'll lose my eye sight and won't be able to use my ability anymore."

A heavy tension grew, silencing everyone present in the room. No one knew how to respond to this unpleasant news. They never anticipated something like this to occur.

For so long they always relied on the teenagers ability. Using it countless of times whenever their plan fell into the mud. 

It wasn't easy to find a way to help people with special abilities. Getting them all into safety before they were discovered by the scientist and used as guinea pigs for their sick experiments. 

It always disgusted you to the bone. 

How could grown ups perform such atrocities on younger kids without feeling any sympathy for them. Didn't they realize how much suffering it caused? Not only physical but also mental. It was as if they believed that because of their powers, the kids possessed some kind of high pain tolerance.

And now finding out that you guys only had one more shot left to safe these poor souls from a cruel fate, was devastating. 

Because you were no where close to finding a solution. Nothing had worked so far, all your attempts had failed.

Yet at this moment, that wasn't your only concern. Regardless whether or not you guys would figure out another plan, it was going to have a huge impact on Shunsuke's life.

He was going to be blind

And now you weren't sure you wanted to continue and so you spoke your mind

" You have to stop this.." 

Everyones head turned you way " What?"

" We have to stop using Shun's ability!" you repeated much louder 

" Then what do you purpose " Maedomari questioned

" We stick to the same goal. However if this time we fail in saving all the people possessing a special ability, then we'll let that be as it is and focus our attention on taking care of the ones we managed to save. Such a providing shelter and food." 

" So we just abandon the rest, is that it?!" Shichino snapped, not believing what for absurdity left his comrades mouth

You lowered your head, feeling ashamed for suggesting it. Yet this was the only thing you could come up with if you wanted to spare your friends eyesight " I know its harsh but let's face it. It's impossible to get everyone with a power into a safe place. The adults always managed to find their location, even when they were well hidden or kept a low profile like we instructed them to do. "

" And let's not forget that there were some cases where people ignored our warnings and acted recklessly. Resulting in them getting captured" Medoki commented 

You nodded " I modify my proposition. We safe those who've always followed our instruction first. After that we take care of the weak ones. And the remained kids who think they don't need or want our help, we'll let them be. Because in all honesty I'm sick of risking my life for people who don't even appreciate our efforts "

Upon hearing your suggestion half of the group thought deeply about what you said. Whispers of agreement and disagreement filled the room.

" I oppose to this stupid idea " Shichino protested " Even if people with abilities are causing trouble for others, that doesn't give us the right to leave them to a horrible fate"

( Editing ) Anime x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now