• Kyojuro Rengoku - Last battle

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As the big cloud of dust slowly cleared up, the two demon slayers waited with wide eyes the outcome of the fight they just witnessed. Never had they seen such an unbelievable and intense encounter between two Hashira's and an Upper Moon Demon. 

The fight was breath taking to say the least. Swords colliding against hands, flames and ice combined sending powerful attacks to the demon. And not forget to mention the inhuman speed Tanjiro saw both Hashira's move. He could barely follow their movements with his eyes. Even Inosuke, who always thought of himself as a strong slayer admitted he couldn't do whatever his upper class man where executing. 

Had he even tried to mingle into the fight he surely would have died.

However blood was also spilled. Not from the demon because of his regeneration system but from the Hashira's. Rengoku had blood pouring down his forehead and his eye had been damaged. Thankfully minor injuries.

You on the other hand weren't so lucky. Akaza had inflicted much more sever wounds. His fist had hit your left side, crushing your ribs and giving you an internal bleeding. You had giving it shot to close it with your breathing but unfortunately it was too bad to heal like that.

Seeing your exhausted and crucial state Rengoku had tried to persuade you to leave the fight to him. But your stubborn character didn't allow it. So against his better judgement he reluctantly let you continue fighting with your injuries.

As the fight carried on both of you started to get drained out of your energy. Panting heavily you rubbed the sweat of your forehead. However when you prepared yourself to lung at Akaza again a sudden flash of pain coursed trough your entire body causing you to drop on your knees. Using this opportunity the demon charged at you to land a punch but his arm was cut off by the Flame pillar.

Flipping backwards he smirked " At least one of you still has some energy left" 

Using your sword for support you spit some blood out of your mouth before getting back up only to have a hand land on your shoulder keeping you down. Tilting your head up Rengoku looked at you seriously " L/n, let me do this" before you could protest he gave your shoulder a firm squeeze " I know you can keep going but I need you to rest a little so you can recharge and later join me " he quickly added 

Gritting your teeth you complied to his wish and let yourself relax. Well relax was a bad description because the moment you did so your entire body felt sore. You figured that the adrenaline had hidden the fact that you where in much more pain than anticipated.

While your partner fought the demon on his own Tanjiro had scrambled your way to check on you. There wasn't much he could do other than reassuring you that everything would probably be okay.

His words would turn out to be lie.

Now that you where down Akaza leashed out all of his attacks at the flame pillar resulting in injuring him further. He had now the same amount of deadly wounds as you. 

Everything became too much to the point where Rengoku abruptly came to a halt. Akaza did the same and eyed his opponent from head to toe. Your worst fear had come true when you took in his beating and shaken up posture. 

" Don't you dare die on me now Kyojuro" Akaza aggressively mumbled. The demon continued rambling about him becoming a demon so he could fight with him for eternity and what so ever. 

And this angered you so bad that Tanjiro had to hold you by the uniform to keep you in place. 

Considering the shape he was in, you hoped that he had some kind of escape plan. But knowing Rengoku's personality and believes that was out of the question. And your suspicion got confirmed when rays of fire bursted out of him. His whole body was surrounded by this blinding light causing your eyes to stare at him in awe. It was a beautiful sight.

( Editing ) Anime x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now