Sunburn (Georgenotfound)

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He's been wanting this since they all become close, and well, here he is! His dream right in front of him.

His thoughts get disrupted by a large splash of water hitting him in his face.


Apparently he wasn't the only one. He rubs the water out of his eyes and sits up; they haven't even made it past the seabed yet. He's welcomed by Sapnap rolling his eyes at both him and Dream, and Dream frowning playfully in Nicks direction.

"What was that for?" Dream continues on, weakly sending a splash of water Sapnap's way.

"We haven't even made it past the seabed!" He points out, "Come on! We've got to go our further!"

George supposed he's right, they can't stay here relaxing as small waves wash over them. No, they've got to go splash in the waves and try to drown each other... playfully of course.

"Alright, fine." George rolls his eyes jokingly. He and Dream stand up and the three of them head further out into the water; to the point where their feet no longer touch the seabed.

They should've brought surfboard to ride the waves, George figures. Oh well, he'll just have to remember that for next time.

The waves are tall but not tall enough to completely dunk them under the water. Sapnap quickly takes to swimming through the waves, which George doesn't really understand considering the amount of seaweed the waves suck in. Let's just say, George just doesn't like the look or feel of seaweed, but Dream doesn't seem to share the same hatred as he picks up and throws the seaweed and him and Sapnap.

"Ew ew ew," George shrieks, throwing the seaweed off himself and back into the ocean, or on Sapnap, both seem to work.

"Don't throw them at me!" Sapnap shrieks just the same, lunging it back to its throw-ee, Dream.

"Not a fan of seaweed?" Dream chuckles and flicks it back into the water. George scrunches up his nose in disgust, "Most definitely not, it's all gross and slimy."

"Vouch. How can you stand to touch it? It's fucking gross like George said." George points to Sapnap and gives a see expression to Dream.

Dream rolls his eyes, "Whatever, you're all just wimps." As soon as the words leave his mouth, he's being tackled by the youngest of their group into the water.

George laughs as Dream resurfaces and begins coughing his lungs up, exclaiming that he didn't have a chance to breathe before being pushed under, resulting in water being breathed in instead.

This continues on for the next few hours. They continue splashing around in the waves, throwing around insults here and there. They relax for a bit as well, electing to just float and chat.

Eventually, they get out and take it upon themselves to make a little village in the sand not too far away from their stuff. They use the bucket, that was a last minute thought item, and make a few building next to each other. Soon enough, each one has a few windows and a door, as well as a few decorations they found in the sand. It's not exactly ideal, as some of the buildings are lop-sided and some are a bit destroyed, but it's good enough for them. And if they manage to dig up a few blue crabs in the sand, place them in the village, and deem it Crab Village? Well, who's going to stop them?

"We've had a good run Crab Village, but now it's time to leave this place behind and seek greater things." The three of them salute as Dream speaks. Sapnap and George share a look and their mouths twitch slightly, the want for all three of them to just burst into laughter is there, and it's big.

"Fair-well crab village."

Like before, Dream and Sapnap dismember the umbrella and get it back in its case. Dream shakes off the towel that had been laying under it and rolls it into one of the bags. They had brought two; one has a few snacks along with the bucket, and the other has the towels, although they don't really need them since they dried off from the sun (something George isn't very used too).

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