Chapter 29: A Devil's Home with the Fairies

Start from the beginning

Pretty much everyone all breathed a sigh of relief.

Kat: Drake's right. Besides, Vali will most most likely gone back training by himself now that he knows what we're capable of.

Erza: Come on everyone, let's go home.

They all began to walk back to the guild. Erza and Gray supported Natsu on their shoulders, while Trish and Lady did the same for Drake; but it was Erza's comment that made Drake briefly lost in thought.

Drake's mind: Home.

Fairy Tail guildhall

Everyone had all arrived back, and there was a small celebration taking place as nearly everyone was drinking and cheering, all to welcome back their rescued comrades. Drinking contests, dancing, and even the occasional thrown mug; it was a happy day for the Fairy Tail guild.

Erza, Kat, Trish, Gray, Lucy, Happy, and Lady were currently at the bar with Makarov, telling him all that happened; fighting demons, the amulets that were the key to the Demon World, their fight against Vali, even Drake's evolved Devil Trigger that really got his attention.

Makarov: Interesting. Despite the difference in their abilities, Drake was able to defeat Vali in his evolved form he called Devil Trigger. 

Erza: We saw the Devil Sword Sparda, Drake's amulet, his guild emblem, and his Rebellion glow at the same time. 

Happy: All I know is he wad strong enough to wipe to floor and ceiling with Vali!

Lady: And that right there is an achievement in on itself.

At that name, Makarov's mood became one of contemplation.

Makarov: They are twin brothers, but couldn't be any more different; how could someone who bears the same blood as Sparda and Dante, be so cold-hearted and cruel?

Gray: Kids don't always take after their parents. Just because they're in the same family, don't mean they're gonna act the same way.

Lucy: You think he's gonna come back? You think Vali might...

Trish: If he does we'll be waiting for him.

Makarov: Well said Trish. (turned to Lady) Lady, I would also like to thank you for your help in rescuing my children.

Lady: Sure, no problem old man.

Lucy: So what, you're just gonna leave now?

Erza: You could join Fairy Tail if you want.

Lady was actually surprised at that statement.

Lady: Really? But I'm not a wizard.

Gray: That shouldn't matter. Drake, Kat, and Trish aren't wizards and they're still members.

Lucy: (smile) You'd definitely fit in.

Happy: Aye!

Lady looked at Trish and Kat, who gave a smile and a shrug.

Lady: Sure, why not.

In the result Lucy, Erza, Happy, Gray, and Makarov all smiling.

Erza: Then welcome to Fairy Tail, Lady.

Lady: So where's the fire-breather? Haven't seen him since we got back.

Kat: He's in the infirmary. Vali gave him a nasty scratch and Mira's helping him.

The Infirmary

Natsu sat on one of the beds in the infirmary, his shirt was completely off, save for his white scarf. There was a long, diagonal scar on his chest; from the slice that Vali gave him when he tried to protect Wendy. It ran from his right shoulder to the left side on his abs. Mirajane was sitting on a chair, observing it.

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