♡ Ripped Pages and Floral Arrangements ♡

Começar do início

They quickly grabbed their bag and shoved the poem inside in order to not lose it in the crowded hallways. All the while, Oz was waiting for the enby to pack up and leave the classroom with him.

"It happened again." Milo stated blankly while walking through the classroom doorway with Oz.
"What happened again?" Oz asks while trying to keep an innocent face on because he was tttoooottttaaaalllllyyyyy unaware of the note that was laying in the left pocket of Milo's messenger bag.

"Someone wrote another poem, same handwriting as the other as well, so it's definitely the same person from before. This one was somehow sweeter than the last, which seemed impossible..." Milo shares in almost a whisper-like tone, as if talking to themself instead of the slightly taller boy walking next to them.

"Huh, I guess they're really trying to get your attention then." Oz says, and almost immediately cringed afterwards. Why would he say that, that wasn't at all what he was doing, right?

"Well, it worked," Shit. "I wasn't able to focus at all in class because of the whole thing. Surely it has to be someone in that class, or else the janitor would've picked up the note or something."

Oz was basically melting on the spot, terrified that Milo had probably already figured him out, so he decided to change up the conversation immediately with a, "Well, do you want to borrow my notes for that class period then?"

"Sure," Milo says, recovering from the slight whiplash in the topic change.

Oz opened up his back and pulled out his math notebook and handed it over to the reaper, who took it gratefully. Then they had to part ways to their separate classes, and once Milo was seated in their new class, they immediately pulled out Oz's notebook.

Milo wasn't stupid. They have seen how Oz acts around them whenever they complimented him or used a stupid pet name, the fearling was down hard for them. In Oz's panicked state in the hallway, he actually handed over the key to this mystery, and that was the very notebook he wrote the poem in.

Milo started flipping through the neatly written notes at a quick pace, only taking note of any damaged pages or Oz's handwriting for certain letters. When the reaper neared the end of Oz's journal, that's when they saw it; a ripped page in Oz's notebook that seemed to match perfectly with the poem given to them today and the day before. It took everything in Milo's power to not freak out over the discovery in the middle of their teacher's lecture.

The truth was, Milo had such a crush on Oz. They've been slowly hinting at it and blatantly shouting hints out to Oz, but somehow the boy hasn't picked up on it yet. I mean, at one point, Milo literally kissed his cheek for a picture and he didn't think anything of it! None of that matters now, because if Oz was making the first move, all Milo had to do was reply.

The moment school ended, Milo headed home immediately (after returning Oz's notebook of course) and pulled out the note from the day prior and set it on their desk with the other.
Then, Milo pulled up a couple of origami tutorials and started folding the papers into little flowers. It only took Milo a couple of seconds to realize these two poems wouldn't be enough for their plan, so they decided it would have to wait.

Luckily, the next day Milo had another poem.
Then the day after that, and after that, then after that, rinse and repeat for two months or so and Milo was finally ready.

Sitting in front of them was a paper bouquet of the poems Oz wrote to them, all folden into the boy's favorite flowers and held together by wire Milo provided; and the best part was... prom was happening in a week, so that'll function as Milo's promposal!

Milo believed the bouquet would've been hard to bring to school, but it was actually surprisingly easy with an extra bag and a plan. Milo and Oz usually hung out at their lockers before school started, considering that they only had one class period together.

That's when Milo was planning on striking, leaving the bouquet in their locker overnight in order to raise no suspicion their way. The next morning, Milo was a nervous wreck, brushing out their hair and changing their outfit eight times before finally leaving their apartment an hour early. They barely got any sleep last night, so might as well head to school early and deal with the nerves in a public environment.

They mostly just stood by their locker while scrolling through their phone, waiting for Oz to text them that he was leaving his apartment.

When the text finally arrived, the reapers' nerves amped up by a thousand percent, which caused them to turn to their Instagram followers for encouragement.

All they posted was a simple, 'I'm about to do something I'll regret, wish me luck xx' and the reapers followers almost immediately started speculating on what they met. Milo laughed at the stupid theories and slightly panicked over the scarily accurate ones made by their fans, and before they knew it, Oz was right in front of them.

"O-oh hey," Milo stuttered out and they internally cringed at themself for it. "How's it going?"

"I'm alright, just a bit tired from last night." Oz replies while opening his locker and rubbing his eye, the tiredness clearly showing in his behavior.

"Oh that sucks, how come darling?" Milo asked while leaning against their locker, not missing the obvious blush that spread across Oz's face.

"It's nothing really," he replies with a mutter while grabbing his books from the top shelf of his locker. "Just the Color Crew have all gotten dates to prom and I have no idea what to do with myself, I don't exactly want to be third wheeling the entire night." Oz ended the explanation with a laugh, which did not cover up how much this issue was affecting him.

"Oh, you don't have a date for prom?" Milo asks, playing coy but knowing for a fact Oz doesn't have a date because they cyberstalked the hell out of his Instagram.

"No, I'm the school outcast, remember?" He jokes while finally closing his locker leaning against it, mimicking the way Milo effortlessly looked cool.

"I-" Right before Milo was able to respond, they were cut off by the bell, signaling five minutes before school started up. Oz was about to start walking away before Milo grabbed him by the shoulder to stop him.

"Wait a minute, I totally forgot I had to return something to you." They say while laughing and opening their locker to pull out the bouquet.

When they handed it to Oz he stared in confusion before realizing exactly what those flowers were made out of. The boy's blush went to his ears and Milo couldn't help but smile at Oz's shock.

"See you in fifth-period," Milo whispers into Oz's ear before walking off to their first-period class, internally panicking the entire way there. Oz was frozen in the hallway, pure shock taking over him. Eventually, he found it in himself to start moving again, and that's when he noticed the added note on the bottom of the wire bouquet. It was a note from Milo reading out, 'I've known you've been writing these since day one, darling xx'

Both were nervous for fifth-period, but when they both got into the class, they just stared at each other. Surprisingly, it was Oz who made the first move and leaned down to kiss Milo, who just sat there in relief. When the other students started coming into the class, the two pulled out their notebooks to at least pretend to care about the class.

Almost immediately, Oz ripped out and passed a note to Milo reading, 'Did you actually know from day one?' and Milo wrote on the back a simple, 'You shouldn't have let me borrow your notebook lol' and sent it back to Oz. You could see the boy blush at his stupid mistake before taking Milo's hand underneath the desk, and they remained like that the entire class.

Milo x Oz One-shots (Request's are always open)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora