Episode 12 - Failed Investigations

Start from the beginning

William : William Wodinn. Just call me Wil. We're in the same class as well.

Cecelia : I see. That's why you look familiar.

William : What are you doing here? Searching for someone?

Cecelia : Yeah, I'm searching for my friend's tea party. But, I didn't find it. Maybe he didn't make it.

William : Was your friend George Rivelet?

Cecelia : Yeah, George. Did you know him?

William : Of course, we're neighbours in the dorm. We know each other well.

Cecelia : That's great.

William : Right? So, wanna join my tea party?

While hair girl nods and they walk away together. The boy who was peaking this from a far let down a sigh

George : (Was this really a good idea, oldman?)

Kuragari : Sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire.

George : (I don't like that answer much. So, what are we gonna do now? Library again?)

Kuragari : Yes, that's the best place we can pass time today. Male students would be busy making tea parties and female students would be busy attending those parties. So, only losers would be in the library.

George : (Did you just call me a loser?)

Kuragari : Depend on how you define it.

George : (Huh?)

Kuragari : Tell me boy. What kind of thing would make you a loser? Not making a tea party? Having no girls except Cecelia for attending your tea party? Spending time in library instead of chasing after opposite sex?

George : .....

Kuragari : See a bigger future, George. Remember your origins. The reason why you are here. The reason why you are staying like this. The reason why you choose this. I might be too harsh on you. But boy, you can't stay like normal kids. You have goals bigger than them. You're a hero who saved thousands of lives. Be proud of yourself. No one could make these things because it was impossible. But you make them. You make impossible to possible. You standing here proving that. Don't think too low of yourself boy. You're not a loser. If you're a loser, everyone else would be lower than you.

George : (I see)

Realising that the spirit trying to remind his hard work and his position, the boy smiled

George : (Thanks for reminding me about myself)

Kuragari : You're welcome.

Then, the boy walks toward the Academy library


(In Wodinn's Tea Part Room)

White hair girl saw many boys and girls in the room. Immediately she worried that she might get bullied. But opposite to her thinking, no one approached her. After seconds, the yellow hair boy returned. He went near her and smiled

William : Sorry for waiting, miss. I just got something urgent.

Cecelia : It's alright, William. How did that go?

William : It's finished smoothly. Nothing big deal. Anyway, how's the tea?

Yellow hair boy sat on the chair in front of white hair girl

Cecelia : Tea is wonderful. Cookies are also great. I can't stop taking them.

William : Hahaha..... eat as much as you want. I like when people eat food that I give. It feels really great to watch them eating.

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