internal struggles of romance

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Who am I to deny what I feel inside
I fight the truth for fear of losing the one thing that is keeping me going

But at the same time I'm afraid of moving forward with anything that means more than a good time.

What happens when you inevitably get tired of having me around ?

And I lose myself all over again?

I have a knack for not knowing who I am without someone by my side

My codependency shows more often than I'd like to acknowledge

And how to I stop feeling so goddamn codependent?

When do I learn how to exist in my own space and be happy being alone

How can I be codependent and have a fear of commitment?

How do I learn how to communicate my feelings and fear ?

How do I truly learn what it means to love someone ?

None of this is fair to you

And none of this is fair to me

Just trying to see the point or the light at the end of this tunnel

But it feels like I'm crossing the universe trying to figure out what's going on in my own head and yours.

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