Ch.1: Smuggle

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To say that the world has gone to shit would be the understatement of the century. Ever since the Cordyceps outbreak that occured in 2013, the world became a literal hell scape. Cities were bombed to try and stop the outbreak of the Cordyceps infection, but to no avail. People quickly became infected and those who weren't, flooded to Quarantine Zones or fled to try and survive. Now, 20 years later, civilization is completely left to rot at the hands of infected, raiders, looters, and cannibals. However, there are those who still fight to try and survive, looking for meaning in a meaningless world. Meaningless world, at least that's what one survivor believes.

Y/n L/n is a fourteen year old boy who was born in a QZ in Los Angeles. The teen had seen everything there is in this apocalyptic nightmare he called life. He's seen friends torn apart by infected and hunted like wild animals. He'd also taken the lives of infected and humans alike. "For what?" He oftentimes found himself asking to no one, but himself. All this struggle for what? Live another day just to have the cycle repeat.

Y/n contemplated suicide back at the QZ, however, when he chose to act upon it, he was stopped by a woman. A woman by the name Marlene, the founder of the Fireflies. The Fireflies are a militia who fight against FEDRA oppression and, seemingly, the only organization searching for a cure.

Believing in the group's morals, Y/n joined them and found a purpose to live on; a hope to finding the cure.


"Curfew is now in full effect. Anyone caught outside without proper authorization will be arrested and prosecuted." Said a woman's voice over a PA system. "Where the fuck is she?" Said a girl while bouncing her leg up and down impatiently. "Relax Ellie, Marlene'll be back any minute." Reassured Y/n who looked out of the window with gun in hand.

Suddenly, the door to the room barged open and Marlene fell onto her hands and knees. Y/n caught sight of the two unknowns behind her and he quickly aimed his weapon at the bearded man.

"Woah, woah, woah. Come on up now." The bearded man helped Marlene to her feet, unbeknownst to the gun pointed at him. "Get away from her!" Exclaimed Ellie as she rushed at the man with knife in hand. The woman grabbed onto the girl's hand. "Let her go." Y/n made his presence know. "Tess." The bearded man said, causing the woman to let go of Ellie. "Y/n, put the gun down." Marlene watched as the boy's eyes narrowed, his hand still tight around the grip of his M1911.

" Marlene watched as the boy's eyes narrowed, his hand still tight around the grip of his M1911

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"Y/n. Put. The. Gun. Down." Y/n slowly did as he was told. The man turned to Marlene. "You're recruiting kind of young, aren't you?" "She's not one of mine. He, however, is." "Shit." Ellie turned to Marlene. "What happened?" Asked Ellie. "Don't worry, this is fixable." Marlene turned to Y/n who nodded.

"So, who are these two?" Asked Y/n. "I got us help." She answered, groaning slightly. "But I can't come with you." "Well then I'm staying." Ellie said defiantly. "Ellie, we won't get another shot at this."

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