Chapter Ten

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I woke up to the feeling of Achilles' body on top of me and he was rubbing his nose on my nose.

“Good morning star shine” Achilles giggle and I rolled out of bed and stretched

“Need a ride home?” He asked me

“No…not ready to go home” I sighed

I know I should, I know I should go back and sit down with mom and dad and have an agonizing conversation about how divorce  is common and it’s not my fault and how well we spend Christmas together as a “family”.

But not now, Now I was happy, I woke up happy seeing my boyfriend face as he gently  woke me up.


I have a Boyfriend and he so sweet and kind and-

“Hey want breakfast?” Achilles asked me taking me out of my thoughts

“What about your mom?” I asked him

“She's out she works during the morning so were free to hang out until at least 4” Achilles told me and took my hand

We walked out of his bedroom holding hands and walked into his kitchen which was huge, all sliver, and next to spotless.

“Are you cooking?” I asked

“Pfft no, I can’t cook to save my life” Achilles laughed and grabbed a small box that was full of money and took out some cash

“Let’s head out” Achilles told me and held my head and kissed me on the nose

Lucky for me the clothes I felt home with were casual enough to go out with.

We held hands as we walked to the bus and sat down; The bus was almost empty except a few people scattered around so we sat in the back and Achilles kissed my cheek and we rubbed our noses together.

When we hopped off we went to a restaurant call Dionysus with the slogan
“Good eats and even better drinks”

I knew what this place was, never been but knew what it was, it was a buffet style place that served bottomless drinks of all kinds not just Mimosas, dad and his business associates would come here to celebrate all the time and he would usually come back drunk.

I remember mom hated when he came back drunk and he wouldn’t apologize just tell mom she should be grateful that he went to a restaurant insead of a strip club or something, usually mom would drop it and read a book to relax herself.

“Hey table for two” Achilles told the lady at the front

“What would y'all like to drink?” She asked not looking away from her screen

“Orange juice” Achilles told her then looked at me

“Apple juice” I said and she typed something on her computer

“35 dollars” She said and Achilles gave her 40 dollars and told her to keep it and we walked to a nice booth and I sat on one end and he sat in another

“Do you come here often?” I asked him

“All the time, sometimes with mom and her friends” Achilles sounding slightly annoyed

Our drinks came and then me and Achilles got up and grabbed plates and food. I grabbed waffles, eggs, and toast with jelly; However Achilles had a tower of pancakes and covered them in syrup and butter.

I couldn’t comprehend how he ate so much but looked the way he did, eat date and my phone buzzed and I looked to see mom texted me

“Are you okay?” Is all she wrote

I responded yes and pocketed my phone, I hate that I made her worry but I just need space and Achilles felt like a breath of fresh air

I wasn’t gonna be sad, I wasn’t gonna let this get to me, I was happy and I was gonna stay happy

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