Chapter nine

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“Why did you lock your door?” Thetis asked him as she walked passed him and went into his room

“Because you don’t know how to knock” He told her, He sounded annoyed but not mad I image she does this a lot

“Don’t get an attitude with me especially since you embarrassed me after your little running away stunt” She told him and I saw her feet walk to his desk and grabbed something

“Okay you got your pen now go” Achilles told her

“What is wrong with you?” She asked him and despite not looking being able to see his face I could tell by his body movement that he was defeated

“Just sleepy and ready to go to bed” He told her

“Please you don’t sleep; besides I know you stay up all night texting girls” She told him and his body went rigged

“I do not” He told her sounding embarrassed

“Achilles lets not play dumb I see how girls look at you and how you talk to them, Now you can date but I rather you date someone from a family I know insead of the easy girls that go to your school”  his mother told him

“Mom” Achilles said with a hitch in his breath and I could see his hands balled up into a fist

“I mean it, Like maybe Iphigenia” His mom said

My heart felt like it was sinking

“Mom she's just a friend” Achilles said seemly exhausted

I could tell she brought this up to him before

“Of course just a friend” His mom said with a tone in her voice implying like she doesn’t believe him

“Remember your grounded so get in bed” She told him and walked out of the room

Once the door shut Achilles helped me out from under his bed and we laid down on his bed together.

“Need to go home?” Achilles asked me as he turned his head to face me

“Probably…but I want to spend the night with you” I told him and grabbed his arm and curled up next to him

“Okay, don’t worry about my mom I’ll make sure she’ll never know you were here” Achilles said and kissed me lightly on my lips

I looked up at him and I could see the sweet gentleness in his eyes

“Just to be clear I kissed you as a boyfriend and not as just a friend” Achilles teased me

“Shut up” I giggled and gently punched his arm

“But we're boyfriends?” I asked him scooting closer to him

“Yes were boyfriends” Achilles told me and kissed me again and this time I was prepared and kissed him back holding his face

We made out for who knows, how long; I don’t remember when but we eventually went to sleep cuddling.

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