Chapter three

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"Why the hell are you here and who are these people" She asked him very angry

"Hi I'm Philomela Patroclus mom" Mom introduced herself sweetly

Mom was never good at reading a room, I remember times where dad would be fuming and she would just casually ask him if he wanted to play a board game with her.

"I'm Thetis" She said and grabbed Achilles shoulders

"And this is my son who just ran off" She said passive-aggressively and Achilles rolled his eyes

"I thought you were home?" I asked him standing with my legs shaking

"I was and I wasn't doing anything" Achilles said

"Nothing? We had guest over" He growled to him

"You had guest" Achilles snapped back

I jumped back hearing his tone, I could never speak to my parents like that; I still remember the one time I slightly raised my voice at my dad when I was flustered with him when I was 9 years old and I can still feel the sting of his back hand on my cheek.

"I'm so sorry I thought he had permission" Mom apologized and I saw Achilles mom Thetis looked at my mom up and down

I was practically shaking but mom just stood up with a smile on her face trying to be as polite as possible.

"Well it's fine...You didn't know" She said and Achilles looked up at her surprised

"We have to go, Achilles say goodbye to your friend" She quickly told him and went on her phone

Achilles huffed and looked at me and walked closer to me

"I'll text you later" He told me with a smile

"I'm taking your phone" She said still texting

Achilles rolled his eyes

"I'll text you later" He said not worried which made her mom side-eyed him as he walked up to her

She grabbed his arm and they started walking away

"She seemed nice" Mom said and smiled back at me

"Yeah" I agreed and we walked to the car and started driving home

When we got home I was shocked but not as much anymore to see dad in the living room eating leftover pasta, He glanced at me and then looked at mom and choked on his food.

"You went out like that!" He growled and stood up spilling the pasta on the carpet

"Yes I look nice" Mom said crossing her arms

"Who bought you that" He asked her practically enraged, I've never seen him so mad

"I bought it, Is that okay with you Menoetius" Mom said with a pout

Mom always had a childish tone in her face. Her voice was high pitched and she had a tendency to talk slowly, Like she would stretch out each word, People would look at her weird or ask if something was wrong with her; I always thought it was cute.

"You bought it with my money, take it off and burn it" Father growled

Mom just huffed and walked away without responding, Dad glared at her as she walked away then looked at me staring daggers at me.

"Clean this mess up" He told me and stormed upstairs to his room and slammed the door to his office

I sighed and grabbed the cleaning supplies from under the kitchen sink and cleaned up fathers mess.

Once I was finished I got a message from an Unknown number. I opened it and saw the message

Unknown Number: Hey It's Achilles

I sat down on the couch and texted him back

Me: Your mom changed her mind?

Unknown Number: Pfft no, I'm texting you on my school laptop, Perks to being on the student council

Unknown: Wanna hang out again tomorrow?

Me: What about your music stuff

Unknown: You can come, Please I'll be bored death without you

I smiled reading that message

Me: Okay, Where do I go?

Unknown Number: I have your address I'll come get you

Me: How did you get my address???

Unknown Number: Don't worry it's nothing creepy, the reason I have your address because of me and Briseis sent you that welcome to Greek Life Academy box

I then have a vague reminder of dad getting the mail and holding a package I just thought was one of mom's book orders.

Me: Okay I'll be waiting for you

We stopped talking after that and I put the cleaning supplies away, Mom walked into the kitchen and started cooking, She changed into her sleeping gown and started cutting vegetables.

I went to my room and sat down at my desk and started drawing

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