Chapter seven

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I was able to get mom to stop reading her book and come to the kitchen alongside dad who surprisingly didn't take much convincing to come to the kitchen.

"Okay so I been working really hard in school and so far I only have all A's and B's" I told them and mom smiled as Dad looks bored

"We're very proud of you" Mom told me

"Right so I was offered a position to be a tried to run for the student council and I accepted" I added on

"Unfortunately due to my…position and how I got into the school I have to leave the Trouble youth program which means now you guys have to pay 500 dollars a month to the school" I explained to them

Suddenly I caught dad's attention and he looked shocked and angry.

"500 a month? No" Dad immediately said

"But" I said but dad stood up and was about to walk out

"Menoetius this is huge opportunity for him can we at least look at our finances and see if we can make it work" Mom begged

"Our finances? You mean my finances; I've worked like a dog for this family for the last 15 years and now I'm expecting to do even more!" Dad screamed

He was breathing heavily and he look like he was ready to kill

"Lower your voice, I know things are complicated with you at work right now but taking it out on us isn't gonna fix anything" Mom told him sternly which shocked me mom is usually just agrees and apologize to me later this was very different

"Complicated? I got a huge demotion and got my paycheck cut in half and now you want me to shell out 500 dollars a month so Patroclus can a pat on the back and a stupid title" Dad screamed at her

"Don't talk to him like that, This could be good for him and we can find the money" Mom told him

She wasn't backing down, She was actually standing up for me, I would smile if I wasn't so terrified.

Dad growled and he looked like he wanted to strangle her.

"Why don't you get off you ass and start working for once you fucking cow" He shouted at her

"Don't talk to me like that!" Mom yelled back and stood up

"Your not talking down to me or Patroclus anymore" She shouted back

I gasped, Mom never yelled, Even when she probably should have, I looked at dad who seemed to relax a bit.

"Why don't you take it out of the money I'm forced to give you when you take half of everything" He said to her with no emotion in his voice

Mom gasped shocked and covered her mouth as tears went down her face.

"What?" I said confused but dad just walked out of the room, When to his office, and slammed the door

"Mom? What does he mean?" I asked worried as I walked up to her and placed hand on her shoulder

"We need to talk" Mom sighed, I've never see her sad before

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