Chapter one

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I just sat there staring out the window, I didn’t dare look at my phone being terrified of the thought of Achilles telling me that he doesn’t want to be friends anymore and that we shouldn’t talk anymore.

Due to me trying to ignore time I realized I was only 2 stops away from home and the bus was almost empty with only two other boys with me, One who was sleeping.

We stopped in front of my house and I saw my mom holding a sign saying “Welcome Home”

I smiled and I walked out of the bus and hugged my mom as the bus drove away.

“I made jello” She said and held my hand as we walked inside, I immediately smelled garlic bread that was cooking in the oven and I heard the sizzling and popping of cooking tomato sauce, and the boling of pasta noodles

I was expecting it to just be me and mom for dinner once again so I was shocked to see father on the couch watching TV.

He never home this early and he never watches TV

“Patroclus home” Mom cheered happily

“I see him” He simply said and eyed me then turned his attention back to the TV

I huffed and walked to my room. The room was still empty but now I saw new sheets on my bed so I laid down and grabbed my phone and texted Achilles that I made it home safe.

He immediately texted me back, I took a deep breath and looked at my phone.

Was he gonna bring up the kiss?

Is he mad at me?

However what I read left me pleasantly surprised

Achilles: Awesome, I’m at my mom’s house now, Super bored tho, What are you doing?

I sat up smiling and immediately texted him back, I told him I just got off the bus and was sitting in my empty room.

While the text bubbles came my mom called me downstairs, I quickly told him I would get back to him and placed my phone in my back pocket.

I hated ending our talk but father hated it when I was on my phone at the dinner table. I walked into the kitchen and saw that mother did indeed make jello. It was my favorite orange.

With the Jello I saw a plate of homemade garlic bread and a big pot of mom’s homemade spaghetti, I sat down and looked over at dad who was picking at his food and had an expression on his face that I didn’t recognize.

He seemed sad? I’ve never seen him sad before, I’ve seen him mad, annoyed, I’ve even seen him happy, but never sad.

“How was school” Mom asked me as she grabbed a block of mozzarella and sheared it on top of her pasta

“Good” I answered vaguely

“Did you make any friends” She asked me as she took a bite of her food

“Yeah just one tho” I answered her and received a grunt from my father

Oh I see it’s me, He hates that I’m here, He was enjoying not seeing my face everyday, He must have been so happy that his stupid son couldn’t bother him or embarrassed him.

“Oh and your grades came yesterday, And you did so good, I’m so proud of you” Mom gushed and hugged my head

“Stop spoiling him Philomela” My father simply said and grabbed his plate and walked up the stairs and went into his office to eat

Typical, Definitely more like himself already

“Well just you and me again babe” Mom giggled and we ate together

I helped mom clean up and went to my room, I jumped on my bed and opened my phone and started texting Achilles.

Me:Hi, Sorry I’m back now

It was 10 so I wasn’t expecting an answer but surprisingly I got an message back quickly

Achilles: No problems; Hey can we facetime

I felt my heart stop, I immediately said yes and he immediately started the call.

I opened my suitcase and grabbed some casual clothes realizing I haven't changed out of my school uniform.

Once I did that I fixed my hair and accepted the call by lending my phone against my wall while my desk held it up.

I saw that he was shirtless and had loose fitted sweatpants. I tried to look away, I could tell I was on a tripod since I could see his whole body and some of his room.

“Hey I wow…your room really is empty” He said shocked seeing nothing behind me or around me

“Yep” I laughed trying to hide my embarrassment

“Why so empty?” He asked me stretching

“My father cleaned it out before I left” I answered

“Hey? You were obviously coming back” He asked me and then sat down on a blue chair with wheels

I just shrugged. It was easier than explaining how my father doesn’t like me.

“What did you do?” I asked trying to change the topic

“Well mom picked me up and we drove for 4 hours no stops by the way” He added and yawned

Once we got here I just been in my room preparing for my music practice

“With Chiron” I asked

“Yep he has a second job working at a band that I’m part of” Achilles explained

“Cool” I smiled

Then we just talked about random stuff: school, home, TV shows, books, we talked until we both couldn’t keep our eyes open anymore.

I fell asleep and woke up the next morning seeing mom cooking breakfast and dad was in the living room again.

“Why is he here?” I thought looking at him and went in the kitchen with mom

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